Requiem of Wars Part 5

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Your head leaned heavily to the side realizing you were in Thor's arms.

You coughed up a bit of blood yet your expression was soft for you felt safe in his arms.

He looked quite serious while you drifted in and out.

He left you with a healer and when you started to recover you realized you were back in Asgard.

The healer warned you to rest yet you limped out of bed the moment she left your room.

You made it to the balcony clenching your jaw from the aches and pains of moving.

You noticed how the sun was setting as the breeze blew about fluttering your hair.

Thor was silently waiting with an expression that searched outward.

"Standing guard?" You broke the silence.

He turned to look at you up and down.

"You shouldn't be out of bed" he frowned.

Before your eyes could process the movement he was already beside you.

He didn't directly offer it but he waited for you to use his arm for balance.

"I don't want to rest right now.. I can't.." your lip quivered thinking of what you did to Arvid.

"Your sister.. she meant a lot to you" he asked looking back out at the sunset glad you finally took his arm.

He sensed your vulnerability yet didn't pry too much on the subject in a respectful sort of way.

You nodded sadly as the harsh memories came back. All those wars she faced on her own..

Part of you always wondered how different your lives would be had you two been born to a peaceful era.

"My biggest regret is not being strong enough.. had I been there for her.. had I defended our parents... life would have been so different" you said in a ghostly sort of way.

Thor was quiet yet listened to every word. He studied you from the side for a moment.

You were startled when you felt his hand lightly brush over yours and take it.

You fell quiet as you looked up at him stunned.

You hadn't felt this way for a long time.. Like you weren't alone.

Comforted for the moment you two enjoyed the silence that overcame as he held your hand.

Loki certainly blew it forcing you to face your own sister. You wondered what he were thinking. Why had he done such an awful thing?

Was it his intent to hurt you?


Thor was aware you needed time to mourn.

"Will you allow me?" He leaned down to you.

Trusting him you nodded as he very carefully lifted you back into his arms and carried you out into the halls.

Your heart thumped yet you relaxed in his hold.

Many servants were startled while others blushed at the sight.

Your cheeks went a little warm too as you fell quiet.

To your startlement he carried you to his own chambers. You never saw the insides before and grew nervous.

As he drew open the door your wide eyes took in the mesmerizing sights.

Everything was made of gold and he had fur blankets allover the place. It was massive.

Like an entire kingdom on its own.

The ceilings were incredibly high up with beautiful murals painted allover.

He carried you to a small fireplace and set you down on a soft fur-covered chair.

A servant came by with drink offerings and was startled to see he had company for he never invited others inside his chambers.

She offered to quickly grab another drink for you but Thor waved her off as he sat down on a seat of his own.

"We will share."

He offered you the first sip of his drink and you struggled to even hold the cup for it was enormous.

He leaned over keeping his hand on the bottom of the glass as you took a small sip. He had a small smile as he watched you do so.

You hid the curl of your lip for this taste of Asgardian alcohol was always hair raising.

You always wondered how Thor and Loki could splurge on this stuff.

Thor took a drink right from where your lips had been and you blushed looking away. You could only dream of kissing him.

The longer you spent in this peaceful surrounding the more you curled up in the chair.

You felt so warm and comfortable, like you could stay like this forever as time drifted past.

Being left alone with your thoughts however had you growing sadder by the minute. 

He watched as tears slid down your cheeks trying to hold it in. 

You heard him rise from his seat and tensed.

He slowly walked over and wordlessly lifted you up seating himself down with you in his lap.

His expression was serious yet his actions were kind and protective.

He gently placed his hand on the back of your head guiding you to lean into him fully.

You realized it was alright to process your pain and emotions.

You softened and sunk into him as he held you.


You easily drifted to sleep like that.

His presence was somehow calming.



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