Requiem of Wars Part 2

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Loki smacked your shoulder playfully.

"Go and get him doll" he grinned aware that you were shaking from the inside.

Thor vanished and you found him awaiting at the bottom of the Colosseum.

It was a lot different without anyone watching. 

It felt so quiet.. and ghostly.

To your surprise it was now surrounded by sea water.

You were so shaken. Was this truly happening? Were you going to fight the very God you fancied?

Thor waited patiently for you as you stepped out ahead of him.

"I've never seen you in combat before" he stated looking at you intently.

"Last time I checked you were prohibited by my father.." he continued making you worry slight.

You prayed he didn't intend to notify Odin.

You reached behind your back and as if an invisible force were present a weapon formed from thin air.

It was a type of scythe and Thor raised a brow.

"Interesting choice" he commented.

"Aren't you going to summon yours?" You gulped.

He was quiet for a moment.

"I won't need it" he said coldly.

You felt horrible after he said that.

Despite this you readied your stance and so did he.

He came at you like a meteor and you jumped up high into the air to evade his attack.

In seconds he appeared behind you midair and grabbed beneath your arms pulling you against him forcefully.

The impact to your ribcage made you want to cry out as you dropped your weapon.

He was merciless and you acted fast head butting him to release you before he broke your ribs.

You spun mid air and kicked his chest with enough force to shatter a man's bones.

For Thor it was a mere bruising.

You landed in a swift roll snatching the scythe in tow.

He smirked at your clever ploy to get back with your weapon.

He instantly reappeared behind you but you predicted his move and swung the scythe out catching his jaw.

He was shocked as he watched it draw blood as though in slow motion.

He paused catching the electric determination in your eyes. 

"You're quick to learn" he commented.

You were flattered yet couldn't help readying your scythe for more.

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