Requiem of Wars Part 7

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You drew from your chambers and approached the hall which Thor had asked you to meet.

He stood leaned against a pillar awaiting your arrival.

He looked quite serious and was wearing his white cloak as his golden eyes flickered your way.

"Follow me" he commanded turning to walk on.

You hesitated wondering what this was about as you slowly trailed behind. 

He informed you prior it was to do with something important. You still didn't like the feeling it gave you.

He guided you along the halls and you couldn't help but glance around unsurely.

Something was off..

You caught sight of someone down the hall and drew back slightly not expecting to see him here..

You looked at Thor with hesitation as Loki stood there waiting.

"I've arranged something for you" at last he informed.

You were a little wide-eyed as you watched him direct your gaze toward Loki. He wanted you to go with him.

To say you tensed was an understatement.

"He will not do you any harm" Thor assured you firmly.

Loki were almost ghostly with his eyes cast down.

He looked worn out like Thor had beaten him or something.

He offered out his hand without looking up and you glanced unsurely to Thor while he waited. He gave a firm nod and with that you hesitantly accepted Loki's offerring hand.

He pulled you close into him earning a small gasp from you as his other hand gently curled around the small of your back.

His violet eyes held the slightest bit of malice as they slowly looked up at Thor while he held onto you so dear.

Thor remained non interfering yet he didn't enjoy the way he held you. 

Your eyes widened as black and green magic revolved around you both and the two of you suddenly sunk through the floors.

You were terrified and naturally clung onto Loki. It felt like you were dropping at the speed of light.

You weren't sure how long you two were descending but when it all ceased he finally let your heels touch the ground again. 

You hadn't realised you were squeezing your eyes shut or just how tightly you clenched his vest but when it registered you immediately released and stepped back uncomfortably.

Your eyes took a minute to adjust to the strange misty world around you. You'd never stepped foot here though you recognised it immediately.

He took you to the Underworld; Niflheim where your sister's spirit lingered.

His quiet behaviour were so strange. You almost felt guilty despite the fact he'd been the one to hurt you. 

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