Requiem of Wars Part 4

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The battle of Poseidon and the mortal Kojiro Sasaki sent a haunting chill throughout the arena. 

Not one of them doubted Poseidon's skills and yet he.. perished. 

This awakened a fury amongst the Greek deities for that was one of their own.


The next match was quick to undertake for Heimdall could not wait to announce the next contestants.

Similar to the second match a slight change of plans occurred for medaling was afoot.

Heimdall was wordless upon reading the scroll as he glanced for Odin and then back toward the crowds.

He couldn't believe what he were seeing..

"Our next contestant!" he practically screamed.

"Not known for fighting... yet still an enticing choice!!" he roared.

Thor's crimson brows furrowed as he studied the arena.

He noticed a shadowy figure had leapt down to the bottom of the court. The cape lightly fluttered obstructing everyone's vision of the combatant's face.

Thor immediately rose to his feet upon recognising who it were.

As the cape lowered clearing the view they could all see you had leapt down landing in a crouch.

Shiny greenish-black armor decorated your body. It snaked tightly to your curves gifted from Loki.

"You can't say I don't give you everything" his voice whispered in the carrying wind making you shiver as you looked to the side.

You could feel his shadow as it always lingered around you. He wanted to see you destroy them.

You just hoped this were the right thing to do. Your heart thumped in your chest just thinking of how angry Odin must be.

Odin suspected something were wrong the moment his son joined him for Poseidon's match and saw that he were unaccompanied.

~~ Flashback~~

It was on your way back to your chambers when everything occurred. You jumped discovering Loki inside your room.

He was sitting leaned against your dresser with a smirk.

"I heard you were to accompany me for the next round" he smiled toying with you.

You rolled your eyes and walked past when his hand caught your wrist pulling you into him.

You were quiet as his hand slid across the middle of your back. 

The tension it brought between you two..

"Loki" you warned.

"Why are you here" you looked him in the eye seriously as he dared to touch you.

His violet eyes trailed up your form before slowly meeting yours.

"Allow me to show you what I have to offer y/n. Something which others cannot"

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