An Offer

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A/N ~ Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This chapter me and one of my many editors decided to name the character because it's easier. Her name is now Freya McCullen. Also this chapter is A lot longer. Anyway hope you enjoy!

"So you're the powerful run-away I've heard about..." the voice muttered from above me,

I slowly opened my eyes to see a broad-shouldered man with a patch covering his eye. Dusk was creeping in and seemed to make his skin glow. I covertly looked around the alley, planning an escape. I began to push myself up the wall, intending to make a run for it, but my body crumpled under me.

"Woah now, I promise I won't hurt you" the man said.

I grunted in response. I'm used to these people, they say 'I won't hurt you,' but they'll do anything to get what they want.

"My name is Nick Fury," the man said, as if I should know who he is. I stared at him blankly in response.

"I think you and I could get along, Miss McCullen, but you're going to need to trust me. I trust you've heard of the Avengers?" He looked at me expectantly but I looked at him blankly again as I shifted my legs beneath me. They'd stopped shaking now but I still didn't trust them enough to try to stand. Mr. Fury saw this and crouched down across from me, effectively blocking my exist from the alley.

"The Avengers are Earth's mightiest heroes, Miss - you and everyone else in this city are alive because of the work that they do. I coordinate their activities and am the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. And I think you would be an asset to have on our team but you need to trust me."

I glared at him still, hating the words that came out of his mouth. "And why should I trust you?"

In response, the man drew a small business card from his coat pocket and handed it to me. It had his name and a bird emblem on it, making me wonder whether he might have been telling the truth.

Mr. Fury stared at me stoically, watching me for a reaction. I looked back at him, assessing his offer. He had a deep scar running across his face so I supposed he might have understood what it's like to be alone and fighting against the world... but then again, he was after my powers, so I didn't know if I could trust him. The last time someone had wanted me for my powers, it was to punish me after the deaths of my parents and I'd been alone, scared, and running away ever since.

"Miss, I want you to join the Avengers. That's why I'm here today. You're someone that I want as an ally, not an enemy. I know you don't trust me but I want you to come with me to our headquarters. I'll give you some food and a tour of the place and then, if you still want, you can walk straight out the doors and you'll never hear from me again. Do we have a deal?"

I continued to assess him, considering his offer. At the very least, it was an offer for a free meal, potentially even a hot meal, and I had't had one of those for a while. My stomach groaned in agreement.

"You have a deal, Mr. Fury. But I'm allowed to leave when I'm done, no questions asked." I glared at him to make sure he understood and received a nod in response.

I started to get to my feet but the world spun as I stood up and spots crept in from the edge of my vision. I could hear Mr. Fury's voice but the static in my ears was louder and he wasn't making sense. He blurred in my view as I saw him dive towards me, but my vision fully faded to black as I fainted in his arms.

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