The question.

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We drove home in silence, Natasha's words replaying in my head...

"You're definitely an avenger."

It was only a few days ago that I had burned Nat, and now, well- now I'm saving peoples lives.

Natasha led me into the compound, occasionally turning to look back at me and, wow, the floor really was interesting right then, wasn't it? She seemed about to say something, but my non-responsive stare at the ground must've put her off. I almost felt bad, but processing the events of today was taking up most of my emotional capacity.

"Welcome back ladies," I heard Director Fury announce. "I heard about what happened. But I'm happy to know that you two dealt with it." Director Fury said and, as I glanced up at him, I noticed him side eyeing Natasha."Agent Romanoff, may I have a word?"

"Of course, Director," Nat said. I walked away to my room, sat down on my bed and let out a big sigh. Recent events were really starting to get to my head, stress pilling up and leaving me with a stabbing headache to deal with. A yawn escaped my mouth and I stretched, laying down on my bed to prepare to get some well-needed rest.

However, a knock on my door made me jump.

"Sorry to interrupt Agent, but could we have a chat?" Director Fury opened my door slowly, as if that would make it okay as he barged in anyway.

I sat up, grumbling to myself. "Sure, come right in. Its fine, really I wasn't trying to sleep or anything."

He walked closer, all the while keeping his distance from me. My brows furrowed in concern. Was he here to scold me? Was he finally realising the whole deal really wasn't going to work out?

He smiled slightly. "Freya. I am so proud of you." Wait what? "Agent Romanoff says that you did amazing when the robbers attacked!"

I couldn't help but give a small smile in return. Nat... really said that? I felt something in my chest warm at the thought of Nat being impressed by what I did. As if she was... as if she was proud of me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Fury's voice. "Freya; I must be upfront with you." My smile dropped from my my face.

"I need you to think about what I'm going to ask you, alright?" Well, Fury was as ominous as ever.

"Do you want to join the Avengers?"


My jaw dropped. This soon? I stumbled with my words.

"I'll let you think about it," Fury said while walking out the door.

I sat there staring at the wall. The Avengers. Since I had joined S.H.I.E.L.D, I had researched all about the Avengers that Fury was so proud of. I learned about the original six Avengers, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and Thor. I learnt about all the fights they had, and all the new people who had joined. I knew that I wanted to join.

I ran out the door and straight down the hallway, almost tripping over my own words.

"Director!" I shouted when I saw him. "I want to join!" I panted.

He turned to face me. "I know." Then why did you ask? "Natasha will pick you up at 7am tomorrow. Be ready, Future Avenger."

I smiled from ear to ear as I skipped back to my room. I quickly packed all my things and went to bed. Tomorrow, I would be an Avenger.


The next day, I woke at the crack of dawn, unusual for me but, well today's circumstances were a little different. I ate breakfast and sat on the stairs outside the building. A black car parked in front of me and rolled down its windows.

"I see you're up early," Natasha said as I put my things in her car.

"I'm just excited." I responded with a smile.

We drove through parts of the city I had never seen before, singing along to the radio. We pulled up outside the Avengers compound - I internally screamed. Maybe a little externally too, if Nat's smirk was anything to go by.

Natasha took me inside towards a small gate, she then turned to me, "Trust me, no one likes their photo," while passing me a card.

I looked down to see the ugly headshot they took of me at S.H.I.E.L.D.. I groaned as Nat giggled and swiped her card opening the gate and walking through as it closed behind her. I did the same and followed her to an elevator.

"All the way to the top we go," She said lightly while pressing the button. We quickly travelled up to the top floor. When the door opened I saw a room full of people I easily recognised from the media. My eyes travelled over all their faces and stopped on one. His arm was metal and his piercing blue eyes made direct eye contact with me.

James Buchanan Barnes.

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