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Everyone walked out of the room, splitting into their mission groups. I turned, expecting to see Bucky so we could talk about our mission but he had disappeared from the room. I exhaled a sigh through my nose, frustrated by his fluidly changing personality. His hot/cold demeanour was exhausting and I was starting to lose my patience with it.

I wandered back to my room, content to make Bucky wait for me just to see if I could irritate him more. Call me vindictive but the lack of sleep was starting to affect my mood. I took my time packing my bag, making sure to include my suit, jeans, shirts and a few dresses. All the clothes had been modified to have extra pockets that were able to hide weapons discretely. I was zipping up my bag when I heard a knock on the door. The door was pushed open slightly and a timid Steve stood at the door.

"Uh- hey Freya." He said.

"Hey Steve, you alright? I'm just packing, I'll meet Fury downstairs soon."

"Well, I wanted to wish you luck! You know, for your first mission and all!" He smiled, although I could see that he was holding back a little as he stepped fully into the room.

I giggled at his weird behaviour. "Alright then, you too! Although for a seasoned professional, this mission should be as easy as brushing your teeth, right? But don't stress about me. I've got myself covered."

"Yeah I know. I just don't want you getting hurt, you goose" He said as he brought me into a hug.

 His massive arms encompassed me and I was overcome with warmth, this man was radiating some serious heat. Not uncomfortable warm, though, just super comforting and... familial?

"I won't get hurt, you himbo! Don't worry about me, just focus on your mission, alright?" I said into his rock hard chest. I imagined that if he were to run into a brick wall, the wall would be the one that could come out of the encounter worse off - this man was like granite. Maybe brick? Diamond? Unbreakable.

His chest rumbled a laugh. "A himbo? I reject the accusation. And here I am, just trying to look out for you. Go off and get hurt then." He tried to get out of the hug in jest, pushing me away from him. I laughed in response and held on tighter, refusing to let go.

"No but seriously, if you come back with so much as a hair missing, there will be hell to pay, okay? I'll come after you." He said more seriously, squeezing me tighter.

"Steve..." I squeaked out, his arms cutting off some of my airflow. He released me after a moment and I stepped away, bending over for a moment to catch my breath.

"Aaaah air, sweet sweet air, oh how I've missed you," I gasped out.

"Sorry," he laughed in reply.

"I'll live, I guess... Can you imagine if I couldn't go on a mission because I was injured because of a hug? I'd never live that one down..."

"You melodramatic ass. You'll be fine," Steve laughed again, swatting my arm as he turned to leave the room.

"Be safe, Freya. Don't do anything dumb. Come back with every bit of you, please. And don't miss me too much while we're apart," he winked at me. I laughed in response and I couldn't help but notice the faint pink dusting across his cheeks as he said it.

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