The outing

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My eyes slowly opened to a room that I easily recognised.

The hospital room.

Although I felt drained, I ran through my memories to remember why I was there, and then it came to me. I lost control. I hurt Natasha. I knew that I wasn't good enough to be an Avenger. I never would be.

As I thought about this, I looked down to see my hands and feet cuffed to the bed. I recognised these cuffs- I remembered chatting to Director Fury about them. He told me that they stop my powers and that they would only be used for safety. "It's only in the rare case that they're ever needed, alright?" He had said to me.

I guess this was that rare case.

"Agent McCullen, I see your awake" Director Fury commented as he walked in, causing me to jump.

"Director- I'm sorrry- No. I told you- I can't be an Avenger," I stuttered, desperately holding back tears. "I'm a monster!"

He sat down on my bed. "Freya. You're not a monster, you can be an Avenger. Sure, it will take some more practice to control them but these powers could help our world." He paused. "Maybe even galaxies"

I stared up at him. Thinking about the first day in S.H.I.E.L.D, when Director Fury and I sat on the street. How he had always believed in me even though I had done everything wrong. I realised that, thanks to him, I wasn't on the streets.

"Director, I'll try. For you." I said.

Fury looked relieved as he grabbed out a small key. He inserted the key into each of the holes and unlocked the cuffs. As soon as the final cuff was of I felt my energy come back to me.

We walked out of the room and back to the training room where I saw Natasha. I looked to Director Fury with concern in my eyes.

"Don't be scared; she's not here to fight you." Fury told me.

Natasha interrupted, "I really find you interesting and I would love to learn more about you," she smirked, "So I thought we could go on a shopping trip! Also, Fury thought it would be good to get you out of the tower."

'Shopping.' I thought. I'd always seen people around me with plastic bags full of new clothes walking on the streets, but I'd never been shopping before. I looked up to Fury nervously.

"I don't have any money," I said just loud enough for Fury to hear.

Slowly, he pulled a card out of his pocket and gave it to me

"Use this." He said. "And have fun."

I nodded cautiously.

Natasha and I walked out of the tower towards her car. The drive itself was... very fast, and I wasn't even sure Natasha was even driving at the correct limit- nonetheless, I can't deny that it was, well, fun. Nat and I laughed the whole ride. I learnt a lot about her and the Avengers; How they defeated Thor's brother, Loki, and how through the years they gained many new Avengers.

We arrived at the shops and looked around. Natasha bought these pants with lots of pockets for me and I got this peach face mask. As we walked to the store to get chocolate covered pretzels, The glass roof above us smashed, glass shattering onto the floor, and was followed by men wearing black clothes being lowered down on ropes. People screamed as Nat pulled me behind a bench.

"Freya, we need to do something," Natasha frantically whispered, as she looked around to see the black figures aiming guns at all the civilians and stealing practically anything they could put their hands on.

"What can we do?" My brows furrowed in distress, breathing picking up slightly.

"Use your powers to knock them all down. Then they are easier to hit on the floor!" she instructed, standing up and preparing to fight

"What? No no no, you saw what happened last time I used my powers!" I panicked.

"Freya. These people need your help. I can't do this on my own!" Natasha said.

I let out a shuddering breath and stood up. At least 5 guns turned towards me. Suddenly I pushed my hands forward creating a small earthquake to knock them all down.

"Go!" I shouted to Natasha.

She ran towards them all kicking down the ones trying to stand and removing all their guns from arms reach. While I held them to the ground with rocks in their arms and legs. When all of them were controlled, Natasha turned to me, smiling.

"You're definitely an Avenger."

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