twenty- neither

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[aug 2017]

BEFORE THE COUPLE knew it, it was august. taylor had completed her new album which she had decided beforehand would be called 'reputation' and had played it in full to sam, who then tried to guess how many songs were about her.


the brunette had guessed either seven or thirteen because that was their favourite numbers but taylor was adamant it wasn't. the swift had used masculine pronouns when referring to her love interest which sam was fine with due to the fact they'd talked about it previously and the gray had assured she'd be cool about it.

the blonde had cleared all her socials and posted a video of a snake, a teaser for reputation. she'd also won her sa lawsuit which made both her and sam very happy. she hadn't talked too much about it to the brunette, the latter not sure how to approach the topic. over several weeks their therapist had helped considerably, just like she had with sams issues.

sam had gotten time off from 'endgame' filming to shoot season five of brooklyn nine-nine. once that ended, she'd have to go straight back to endgame which would end at the start of 2018. luckily, she didn't have to travel back and forth so much.

when sam thought about it long enough, her working away was actually kinda good for the pair because then taylor could redevelop her independence whilst the brunette was gone.

for the couples third anniversary, sam arranged for her and taylor to go back to the lakes. not to escape, but to immerse themselves in the landscape.

rather than returning to the cottage where certain bad memories lived, the gray had booked a hotel room in windermere, the largest lake in the district. she would've liked to have gone back to their cottagecore life, but that time had passed.

to try and make their trip as normal as possible, sam had brought along several different wigs for herself and taylor; including the few she was desperate to see her fiancée in.

once they were all settled and unpacked, sam threw taylor a ginger wig with a grin.
"what's this?" the singer questioned, observing the wig with her hand.
"it's your outfit for the day." the brunette remarked, pulling a beanie over her hair.
"okay... why's it ginger?"
"because i think you'd be a hot ginger, and you can always pretend to be tree if you're recognised." sam explained nonchalantly.
"wha- you think i'd be a hot ginger?"

"i think you'd be a hot anythin', love." the gray smirked.
"so which wig are you wearing?" taylor asked, raising an eyebrow.
"i'm not, lol."
"what are you wearing then?" the blonde inquired. sam smiled mischievously and ran to the bed, returning moments later with a stick on moustache.

"cmon sammy, that's fooling no one." taylor laughed, pecking her fiancées face repeatedly.
"i think it works." the brunette smiled, admiring the fake beard in the mirror.
"is it weird that that's kinda doing something for me?"
"no. if i was a man, i'd be a hot man." sam beamed.

"and anyways, i think it'll work. i just wanna take my future wife to a mediocre cafe for lunch by the lakes." the gray murmured, turning back to her fiancée with a smile, "alright, vamos. i don't want all the good tables to be taken up by old people who want their midday tea."
"okay, okay. lemme gingerfy myself and we can go." taylor muttered, tying her hair back and slipping the red wig on. when she studied it for a moment, it didn't look to bad. yes, she looked an awful lot like her publicist, but she somehow managed to make it work.

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