thirty eight- that got deep

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[aug 2020]

WHEN FOLKLORE CAME OUT on the twenty fourth, millions of swifties instantly began streaming it, posting about it, and adoring it: much to taylor's joy. sam was one of those people.

even though she wrote and produced a large portion of the album, she still blared it through the house all day, making taylor fed up with the sound of her own voice.

by the time folklore was two days old, sam was putting headphones on taylor's bump so the twins could 'enjoy the masterpiece' too.

the blonde still had a collection of songs that hadn't made folklore and decided to keep writing- whether these excess songs got put on an album or not. because she and sam had worked well together on betty and exile, taylor thought they could continue to write together.

somewhen in august, taylor found her wife playing the piano, softly humming an unfamiliar tune- now a regular occurrence.
"sammy" she murmured, getting sams attention, "do you wanna write together again?"
"i guess." the brunette shrugged, "it's not like willow is gonna suddenly start writing chart toppers."
"that was one time, you wrote a chart topper once!"
"once is more than no-once."
"that doesn't even make sense."
"i don't care."

"moving on, do you wanna write more songs together? i have a lot of ideas that are rattling around in my head and you're a pretty good songwriter."
"ugh, fine." sam sighed.

"you pretty much drained all my ideas from my notebook so all i have is like three different lines."
"folklore was a good use of your skills." taylor defended, "and i gave you credit for the stuff i used."

"yeah, now i can say i have two golden globes and i co-wrote folklore. my renesmee is looking real good at the moment." sam grinned proudly.
"don't you mean your résumé?" the blonde questioned, an eyebrow raised.
"that's what i said."
"no, you said the name of the creepy baby from twilight."

"i'm surprised you've even watched twilight. you don't seem like the type." taylor remarked.
"kristen stewart is in it. of course i've watched it." the actress informed with a knowing grin, making her wife chuckle.

"anyway, back to the song. i have a couple of teeny verses and some tunes but apart from that, my ideas are a bit bare." sam muttered, beginning to play the piano, "this is the first one i have."

your midas touch on the chevy door
november flush and your flannel cure
"this dorm was once a madhouse"
i made a joke, "well, it's made for me"

how evergreen, our group of friends
don't think we'll say that word again
and soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
that we once walked through

"is that a bridge?" taylor questioned.
"yeah, sort of."
"i can work with that." the blonde murmured, "keep playing, it'll come to me in a minute."
"that's what she said."

one for the money, two for the show
i never was ready, so i watch you go
sometimes you just don't know the answer
'til someone's on their knees and asks you

"she would've made such a lovely bride
what a shame she's fucked in her head, " they said
but you'll find the real thing instead
she'll patch up your tapestry that i shred

"that got deep." sam murmured, receiving a slap on the head, "but i love it."
"these songs i've been writing are really emotional and i have no idea why."
"don't babies mess with your hormones or something?" the actress questioned, quirking an eyebrow.
"well, yeah. but i don't think the twins are making me write about killing my best friends cheating husband." taylor deadpanned.
"i'm pretty sure i heard willow plotting our deaths the other day, so anything's possible." sam remarked, looking smug.

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