twenty two- i was talking to the cats, obviously

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[dec 2017]

THE DAY AFTER THIER WEDDING, sam awoke later than usual, worn out from the festivities the previous night. as she turned in bed, she felt a pair of eyes on her, meeting taylor's blue stare.
"good morning. is there a reason you're staring at me?" sam mumbled, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
"no reason. i just wanted to look at my wife." taylor grinned, pecking the actresses lips.
"you just wanted to say that i'm your wife to someone other than the mirror." the actress muttered, sitting up. the blonde rolled her eyes and opened the door, letting the cats come running in.
"you definitely were."
"yeah, i was."

"you wanna have breakfast?" sam questioned.
"i'd like to eat something a bit different." taylor murmured, suggestively eyeing her wife.
"ooh, i like the way this is going." the brunette grinned, placing kisses along taylor's neck.

the blonde reciprocated by pulling her pyjama top off and tugging at sams trouser line. she dragged the fabric off the womans toned legs painfully slowly, never missing an opportunity to tease her wife. she threw the garment across the room and began to place kisses along sams inner thighs, pushing her legs further apart around her head.
"ooh, dom tay tay." the actress joked, watching the blondes head. suddenly, taylor plunged two fingers into the her hole, making sam let out an involuntary moan.

the singer smirked and removed her hand.
"on second thought, breakfast sounds good." she muttered, slipping on a long cardigan and walking out into the corridor. sam watched her walk off with a fixed stare.
"you coming?" taylor smirked, looking back. the brunette caught her breath and stumbled behind her wife, scruffily putting on a shirt.

"that was unfair." sam murmured, following the woman.
"it was funny. and i'll do it properly later." the singer laughed, "feed the kids while i make breakfast."
the younger woman sighed and retrieved the cat food from the cupboard.
"jo! dibbles! meredith!" she yelled, hearing the felines feet patting along the floor. soon, she had three hungry cats pawing at her feet as she placed bowls on the floor.

"i love you so much, you know that right?" the actress whispered, stroking jos head.
"yes, i'm well aware." taylor murmured, her back turned to the woman.
"i was talking to the cats. obviously. i can only just tolerate you." sam deadpanned.
the blonde rolled her eyes as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of the woman sat opposite her.

"so... where are we going to honeymoon?" taylor questioned, looking up for a moment, "we can go anywhere we want."
"probably should have done this before the wedding." sam informed matter of factly.
"i believe it was your job to arrange it, sammy."

"was it? my bad." the actress frowned, trying to recall her memories, "maybe we can go back to the lakes or something."
"you sure, there's not too many bad memories?"
"there's some. but there's bad memories everywhere. i liked having a safe haven with you." sam admitted.
"i did too." taylor grinned, "the lakes it is then. i'll arrange the plane now."

the younger woman smiled as she watched taylor ring up the hangar. after five minutes, the singer returned.
"the plane will be an hour."
"all i heard was 'we have an hour, let's do sex'" sam beamed, standing up and straddling taylor.
"so the teenage sex drive is back?" the blonde questioned, allowing sam to kiss her neck.
"yup. we're back in business baby!"
"less of the comments, more of the sex."
"i can do that." the brunette smiled, looking back to admire the rather large hickey she left on taylor's neck. the singer slid her hands under sams thighs, lifting her up as their lips connected.

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