Mahi's anger

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After dropping Zi, Vi came back only to find a veryyy angry Mahi.

Vi looked down seeing those packets in Mahi's hand

Mahi(showing him something): is this urs???

Vi(mumbles): but I didn't consume it..

Mahi(gritting his teeths): is this urs???

Vi looked down..

Mahi(shout): answer me damit.

Vi flinched at the voice scared to even look at Mahi. He just nodded in yes meekly.

Anu(whispers shocked): what??

As soon as Vi nodded in yes, he got a hard slap on his cheek by Mahi that was enough to make Vi disbalance from the point he was standing and fell on the floor.

Mahi pulled Vi from his collor making him stand.

Mahi(shouts): What do u think ha?? What do u think of urself?? U know what u were going to do??

Vi stood their looking down.

Mahi: (slap) what u were thinking haan?? (Slap) Puccha tha na maine ki koi baat hai kya?? (slap) Is this how r u going to represent India?? (slap) Kabhi anti depresant pills , kabhi drugs if u wanna die then tell na (slap) koi kucch umeed nhi rakhega tujhse (slap) hum sab toh paagl hai din bhar cheeku cheeku krte rehte hain... (slap) u .....

Vi again fell on the ground due to force of slap.
On the other hand Mahi was angry, hurt and dissapointed at Vi.

Mahi just threw the packet of drugs on Vi's face

Mahi(angrily): tujhe sleeping pills lene hai sleeping pills le, drugs lena hai drugs le, jo krna hai kr but just don't show me ur face again.

Vi looked at him shock. Tears formed in his eyes

Vi somehow stood up.

Vi(whispered): papa....

Mahi took the car key and went outside the house. Vi followed him and held his hand

Vi(crying): papa plzzz....papa suno na. Plzzz ek baar

Mahi jerked his hand went from there leaving a shattered Vi their.

Mahi reached his farm house. Well it was very rare for Mahi to get very angry but still if by some reason he gets angry it was his go to place.

He came out from the car that time other car too came there.

It was Vi who just followed Mahi without thinking anything.

Vi just came and held Mahi's hand

Vi(crying): papa plzzz I...I am sorry papa. I really am plzzz don't be so angry. If u want then slap me more but plzzz forgive me. Plzzz forgive..m..

Mahi just left from there and closed the door. Vi followed him but couldn't enter the house as Mahi closed the door.

Vi(banging the door): papa plzzz open na. Papa plzz baat suno na. I am sorry papa. Plzzz forgive ur kid, plzzz papa forgive ur baby na. I need u. Plzzz don't leave me alone Plzzz I don't know how to live without u. Plzzz kholo na plzzz papa....plzzz open the door na papa. I love u papa plzzz don't be so hard on ur baby

Vi fell on the ground crying badly resting his head on door.

Vi(crying badly): papa plzzz don't leave me na...

Vi just don't know what to do, he is directionless without his papa, he needs him for everything.

Vi just sat there crying inconsolably on the otherside tears formed in Mahi's eyes too.

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