Truth disclosed (part 2)

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Next day

In the morning Mahi sleep broke only to find Vi sleeping over him clutching his T-Shirt in the fist like a kid looking very cute.

Mahi smiled and softly stroked his hairs.

Mahi(lovingly): baby?? Get up kiddo.

Vi whined hidding his face more in Mahi's chest. Mahi smiled and decided to let him sleep. He just laid there patting Vi's head.

After few minutes,

Vi too woke up but still kept on cuddling to him like a he is some teady bear.

Mahi: good morning baby

Vi(sleepily): good morning papa.

Mahi chuckled at him

Mahi: go and get freshen up.

Vi whined and crawled more over Mahi hiding his face in neck covering him with his arms and legs

Mahi smiled holding Vi carefully.

Vi(mumbles): nhi uthna (smiling sleepily) best teddy bear in the world.

Mahi laughed at him

Mahi: I can't carry u to airport like this.

Vi(mumbles): airport kyun??

Mahi(sarcastically) : to fly planes..

Vi(pouts): papa..

Mahi: offcourse Cheeku we have to catch flight, we have leave for Delhi na??.

Vi went stiff.

Vi(mumbled): is it neccessary??

Mahi: yess kiddo. Don't u wanna go back to ur family.

Vi(mumbles): I am with my family papa. Now I don't want anyone

Mahi: they r not anyone kiddo. They r ur family. The reason why u r able to achieve ur dream baccha. Because of few memories don't forget what they all did for u cheeks

Vi: I remember everything papa. I haven't forget everything. (Looking at Mahi with teary eyes) but don't u think what they asking in return is a little much.

Mahi felt silent. He don't know what to answer his question.

Yess they did alot for him but it didn't give them the right to break Vi beyond repair.

Vi(mumbles): I can never forget papa but if u want I can fake things. I can behave normally. I can be the way u or anyone else want me to be. But be with me plzzz....

Mahi's heart clenched.

His cheeku so easily is saying that he will compromise with his feelings. That's what he was doing so many days. Wasn't he forcing himself for many things.

Seeing Mahi unresponsive Vi thought even Mahi wants him to compromise with his feelings. A lone tear trickled from his eyes.

Vi(In minds): do I even matter to anyone??

Tears fell from his eyes even before Vi could realise. Mahi felt something wet on his neck. He softly looked at Vi only to find him teary eyes busy in some deep thoughts.

It seemed Mahi sensed his thoughts and softly whispered 'u matter cheeku'

Vi thoughts break as he heard this. He looked at Mahi with teary innocent eyes.

Mahi softly wiped his tear.

Mahi: u matter to me cheeks. U don't have to forgive them. U don't have to force urself anything. Today after seeing them if u want then we will go from there that very moment. Jo krna hai kriyo. Do what ur heart says cheeku.

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