ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠: 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣' 𝙞𝙩 𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬

824 27 12

Hawks' P.O.V

I let out a sigh, waiting for someone, anyone to come in. Miruko has already gotten a peep to keep her entertained yet I'm still here, playing with my wings out of boredom

As if on queue, a cop let a guy into the room. He had h/c hair, e/c eyes and a really fly froggy hat
I stood up and the boy stood across the table from me
"Alright, I'm leaving this one to you" the cop said
"Thanks boss" I said in a non-serious tone

He left the room and us two were left alone. At first glance he's... Weird. He seems like he's outside for the first time in years

I reached my hand his way for him to shake "the name's Hawks, nice to meet you"
He looked at my hand and then up at me with a disgusted look. But he slowly took it and shook it a little in a strange way

We both sat down and I crossed my hands "ya know why you're here right? The 'suicides' occuring these days"
"I've heard a thing or two" he replied
I nodded "what's your look on this"

He looked down at the table "I don't understand how an act like this could happen. Lord, I wish I was there to prevent them from doing such thing... They must've had a reason to resort to this, but I believe it can always get better..."
He sniffled a little

"Sir, have you found out a reason why they did it yet?" He followed up by asking

A groan escaped my lips
"Not exactly. They've been proven to be dead before they even fell"
He gasped "how's that possible?!"

I shook my head "I dunno, quirks"
He made a little 'ah' and then went silent again

"Speaking of quirks, what's your quirk?" I asked him. He seemed to space out for a second
"It's um... High sensitivity" he mumbled

I stared at him puzzled
He frantically waved his hands "i-it's not what you think! It's just that... Both my organs and skin are very sensitive. That's the reason for this mask and the chosen clothing"
That's a fucking stupid quirk if you ask me... What is it even useful for?

I nodded "anyway, has there been anything suspicious going on around? Something to do with the case at hand?"
He seemed to think be then he shook his head "not really... I've just moved in a few days ago so I don't really know what's normal"

I hummed at his response
I ain't getting anything out of this fucker, this is boring. Ya hear me the culprit out there!? Boooriiiinggg

"Aight, the last test" I stood up and motioned him to also. I stood in next to him and he turned his body towards me
"Hit me" I ordered

He looked a little confused and scared
"Just punch me with all your strength" I opened my arms and waited for him to swing
He gave a little shaky 'okay...' before his fist collided with my chest. I... I barely felt it
"Seriously? Harder, come on" I ordered and he hit me a little harder this time

"Was that all you've got?" I asked and he nodded with a little ashamed look. Aight... Now the other
"Alright then, now try to kick my stomach with all ya got"
He stared at me with a 'really...' look "can I just go home man..." He sighed

I shook my head and he took a stance. Then he swung his leg to my stomach and I yet again barely felt it
Yap, this guy totally can't be the murder...

"Okay, you're free to go now. Sorry for makin' ya do this, but ya know... Work requirements can be a bitch" I opened the door for him to leave
He nodded "see you soon, Mr.Hawks" he said as he walked out, lifting his mask just to show me the grin plastered on his face
What a weirdo...

Your P.O.V

The walk home was normal. But my body was shaking with excitement
I finally got to meet the man who's working on this

As I got back home I fell to the floor from pure over exaggeratation. I couldn't stop chuckles from escaping from my lips
This all was the most exciting thing that happened to me
"Sir! Have you found out why they did it~♪" I dramatically played out the façade I put on during the inspection with my hands waving all around

"I wish I was there to prevent such cruel fate!!" I chuckled
My acting in that room was just flawless. Got I fucking love myself, I'm hilarious as fuck

I finally cought my breath and calmed down. My head was slightly spinning but who cares
"Hawks... We'll be meeting one nice day. I'll be behind glass tied up and you'll talk to me through a microphone. Your expression very surprised at the fact that the fragile boy you interrogated was actually the murder. Maybe we'll be placed in the same jail cell once they find out you let me slip through your chicken wings"
You know what, this one of a kind situation deserves some good food

I got up, going to the bags— now only one bag— full of candy and sat down to watch some horrible movies
The candy was still good, but it wasn't 'the shit' anymore

Maybe I can do something to wrap that birdie around my finger more

I reached for my phone as I still munched on my snacks. I ordered from this one site man on man delivery of a japanese snack box. One shop of this kind so it shouldn't be a problem

It had in it a various ramune with different flavors, various japanese special deserts, well known local candy
Don't ask me why I love these things, I just fucking do

Now I just wait
I'll be sure to leave the bird man a message or a gift. Oh I can't wait to see his expression crumble once I get caught

I ain't even denying the fact I might get caught, at the end I might as well give myself out if it comes to it

𝕀𝕟 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖【Yandere! Hawks X Male! Reader】Where stories live. Discover now