ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞: 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚

417 23 9

⚠this chapter contains murder and body mutilation⚠

Second P.O.V

Once you left the house you couldn't help but to gaze up at the cloudy sky and take in the fresh air.
It's not like you were trapped for a long time, but it still feels good to go back to your boring ass life. Being a house pet is apparently not gonna be one of your hobbies...

You stretched before leaving the premise, heading straight into the city.

As you walked — you can't be bothered to take the bus, also you have no money for that — you couldn't help but to feel bad a bit.
Just a tiny bit though.
He went out of his way to kidnap you AND keep his hero title while not running your anonymous grotesque murder title.

Damn, your fans must be missing you at this point. Well, that is if you have any fans.
Meh, you surely must have at least a few, your crime scenes are a work of art.
Maybe you should go bigger. Get gruesome. Get bloody.


As you reached the more populated area of the city you made up your mind. First you wanted to go back home and eat some snacks as a reward, but right now you're in the mood to paint.
Luckily you could see off in the distance a gangster looking man clearly making some random lady very uncomfortable by the looks of it. And as one wise man said: "You should always try to eat the rude."
Therefore you're glad that you came upon a mean person. One that deserves a lesson that will make the rest of his life question his actions

You sped up your walking a bit, beelining it towards the man.

You swiftly made it to him and quickly tapped his shoulder. He had his musty hand around the poor lady's shoulder but when you decided to disturb him his attention shifted.
He had a look that told you that he's clearly annoyed that you tried to interrupt his harassment.

You tried your best to read the man just by his appearance. From what you could see his actions see a bit slowed, his face is a bit droopy and his eyes are red-ish and glossed over.

"Hey my plug gave me the wrong shit, wanna trade?" You whispered, clearly hinting at substances. If you read him wrong then you can always switch up your act or just murder him right then and there.
But luck seems to be on your side. You clearly peaked his interest since he let go of the lady — she quickly scurried off like a bug,  quietly thanking you before she ran off — and all of his attention was on you.

"Let's that this over there, ight?" Without further questioning he pointed at the nearest alley and with a simple not from you he swung his arms across your shoulder, slouching while you two made your way there.

When you turned the corner he dragged his arm off, really wanting to see what you've got for him.
"I have 3000 yen on me right now man, we can meet up later and I'll give you more if you need." He pulled out the said money out of his pockets, his hand lightly shaking.

You gave him a polite smile, noticing a broken bottle next to a dumpster close by.
"No need man, I just wanna get rid of this as fast as possible." You made your way towards the dumpster, crouching down and gingerly picking up a shard from the bottle and sealing it in your palm.

As if already under your quirk he followed you and bent over so he could get a look on what you're offering. As he did that you looked him from the side, for a second unmoving.
You slowly counted: one, two, three,

Cutting his stomach open with one swift move of the glass shard, gutting him like a fish before giving him one big punch to the mouth — knocking out some of his uncared-for teeth in the process — and then jabbing the shard right into his throat.
Before he could register what just happened he was already gurgling blood and you pushed him to the ground, gouging out his eyes with your bare hands. And before he could scream or at least let out a cry of despair he already passed.

You let out a sigh. This was a lot of action for your first day out of captivity.

You got off of the man, sitting down against the dumpster while you wait for your quirk to do it's magic.
At least you have time to think through your masterpiece.

After a solid minute of thinking about your plan you somehow reminded yourself that you haven't eaten anything in a while... You miss your snacks.

As your stomach grumbled your quirk finally took complete control and the puppet followed your moves. You stood up, your ankle popping as you stood tall.
As you looked him up and down you wondered a bit. You cut off a few of the invisible ties then proceeding to grab his tongue, ripping it out with one swift move, proceeding to throw it on the ground with a splat. The puppet reached gently up but didn't grab or tear out your tongue, nor did you feel the pain.
That's overpowered...

You chuckled to yourself a bit before walking beside the npc for a while. He happened to be wearing a hoodie so you threw it over his head and stomach so he doesn't look to suspicious... Since a person missing their eyes, teeth, tongue and with their guts in the open isn't really all that normal.
You eventually trapped him in a corner once you got close to your sweet, sweet home and entered — you had to remember where you left the spare key and luckily it was still where you left it — immediately pulling out your walking treadmill without anything else since you don't give too many fucks right now, you just wanna finish this piece and then rest.

You could see the puppet walking away as you did out of the window before he turned a corner and was out of view.

You walked and walked until it seemed far enough and hopefully somewhere where it will be seen. Then you disconnected one more string and got to work.

You somehow pulled off the hoodie, gently pawing at your stomach and feeling the faint squishiness of his intestine in your palms. It made you feel powerful, confident even.
You laid down, swiftly spreading your hands in an attempt to splatter as much blood as possible. Once you did, you turned your head and your hands letting go of the squishy matter, moving to your mouth trying your best to tear off his lower jaw. You could tell that you did a good job once you felt your hand slip, even though your jaw was alright, but at this point you felt a faint pain shooting through your body constantly.

You let out a strained sigh, slowly giving up control over the puppet, letting it lay and rot where you left it.

As the last string snapped you finally took a large breath, laying on the ground for a few seconds before realizing that you're back home with your dear snacks. When you realized that you sprung up, running into the kitchen to raid that good shit.

Little did anyone know the person going to the crime scene to get the attention of either you, the unknown murderer, or the winged hero. Spraying a message they thought of after having a quick brainstorming moment. They realized that you two are connected somewhat.
Lucky them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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