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We stopped in front of the old building, Clove opened the door and walked inside, I followed after feeling a bit depressed. The library was completely empty, and silent. The shelves of books were about 10 feet tall and had a ladder you could slide around to reach a book. The shelves seemed to line the walls and made you feel surrounded, in between shelves were squares of empty space where a few tables lay. Behind the shelves was a librarian desk, and next to that a whole bunch of craft supplies and letter envelopes were in cabinets. The library was pretty old even though it had some newer items inside, like replaced tables. The town just never had a reason to take down the building. We walked over to the back section and opened up the drawer of envelopes, skimming through each color until we found one close to the color I chose. Then grabbing a piece of paper we folded it up and placed it inside. WAIT! Clove said. Let me add something-a smirk spread across her face. She took out the piece of paper and began to write. Is this what you want, fucker! Just so you know we are done, I'm not playing this sick game anymore, so here, take your precious letter. And on top of that she drew a smiley face. "All better." she said laughing. I smiled and put the paper back in the envelope sealing it shut. "Okay let's go! She said all happy inside. She opened the door of the library to walk out but found Jack was standing right in front of it. "Oh shit." she said her smile dropping, fear rolling into her. She backed up, but he took a step forward. "Hi Clove, do you have something for me!" he said, angry and scarily. He ripped the letter out of her hands. She turned to me, and looked, run she said under her breath. I was confused, surely she knew he couldn't see me! I'm already dead, it's her who should be running. She turned her head back at Jack who now had a large kitchen knife in his hand, "oh and one more thing Clove, I want you dead." he said smiling. This time Clove turned and ran into the library, I tried to follow but she moved too fast. Clove ran and hid behind the librarian desk. "I knew you were going to do that," Jack said. Stepping into the library, "but just know, now you have nowhere else to go." he smiled, then he knocked over a book shelf blocking the door. He walked slowly down the hall looking in each direction, behind each shelf. Bloodthirsty, searching for Clove like a wolf prowling on its hunt. I stood there, right next to him, he couldn't see me but I was still shaking inside. The large kitchen knife swiped right past my nose. It had been sharpened many times before. I tried to think of what to do, but I really had no idea. All I could do was stand there paralyzed, I couldn't touch anything, I couldn't even stand on the ground. What good could I do? I was dead and now the one thing I loved most in life was trying to be taken away from me. I ran through Jack and hid with Clove. He stood there for a minute confused, he was cold all the sudden, since I ran through him. He shook it off quickly and continued the hunt. "Clove, listen to me." I said in a whisper. She sat next to me, some tears falling down her cheeks and she glanced over at me. "I know this may not seem like the right time, but please read my letter. I want you to know- I took a deep breath. That I love you." She looked at me. "Robin, I-" trying to speak but was cut off by Jack who had now found her, and pulled her up by her shirt. "She kicked him, and bit him. "But he only smiled. "Come on Clove!! You know I can't kill you here, they'll find you!" He said laughing. Then he proceeded to drag her by her hair, Clove screamed in pain. He flipped up the book shelf with one hand, out of the door way. Clove clawed at his arm and dug her nails in him, screaming. Jack opened the door and continued to walk outside to his car, still dragging Clove behind him. I ran after them, but I knew there was nothing I could do. He opened the back door to his car and threw Clove inside. He slammed the door and locked it. She got up and banged on the window, she tried to pull the stick on the door to unlock it, but everytime she did. Jack locked it again. Finally he went to the front of the car, opened the door and shouted at her. "If you do that one more time!! I'll take your eyes out! Right here, right now!" he screamed holding the knife 2 centimeters from her face. Clove kicked his hand holding the end. And he dropped the knife. Jack then slammed his foot on clove's face, knocking her down from the knife. He kicked her continuously till she passed out. But of course, she didn't go down without a fight. Jack's arms and legs were bleeding. His stomach too began leaking crimson liquid. Clove found a shard of glass and stabbed it right in him, before she got knocked out. I was in the car with her screaming and crying now. I had to watch it all, and I couldn't do a single thing. Jack returned to the driver's seat, clenching his bleeding stomach cursing under his breath in rage. He took off going at least 40 over the speed limit, why is it always the worst people that never get caught speeding? He drove all the way to the mountains. Clove, next to me suddenly stirred awake. She snapped her eyes open fast but stayed laying down, she then turned to me and looked at my eyes with such terror. She then closed her eyes again and waited. Soon enough Jack stopped, in the middle of nowhere. He opened his car door and staggered out. His stomach was still bleeding, and he was getting weak. He opened Clove's door and noticed she was still asleep. He began to try and pick her up, but winced in pain and went back to holding his stomach. Clove took this as an advantage and looked for something, anything. Jack turned around and fast Clove kicked him in the face, pushing him backwards. She scrambled out of the car, I followed after standing right beside her. She then began to look left and right, we were by a cliff, nothing around us but the ground. "JACK!!" Clove screamed in anger. He just stood there swaying slightly holding his stomach scowling at her. "What!?" he asked quickly and sharply. "You have the letter! Alright!! Just take it and leave us- I mean me, alone!! Go ahead and destroy it!! I don't care! Just for god's sake leave me alone!" she shouted. Some tears formed in her eyes. Jack grabbed the letter from his pocket, and examined it. Then taking it to the edge of the cliff, he tore it up, in shreds and threw it down, watching as the little pieces of papers floated out of sight. Clove stood there expressionless, the real letter was still in her pocket, she and I both knew it. Jack looked back at her, "'That's just step one of the plan,' he gritted his teeth 'now to get rid of the last, the one piece of evidence left, you." he smiled looking at Clove and staggered towards her. It never was about the letter, it was about her!! A killer is never fully satisfied, he needed more blood, and he wanted hers. He lunged at her swinging the knife. Clove ducked and punched his stomach. Jack screamed in pain clenching his stomach. He dropped the knife. Clove then grabbed it and ran to the cliff, throwing it off. She turned and looked at Jack who was now more angry than before. "Just stop, okay! Let it end Jack!! Aren't you tired?" She spoke softly and powerful. "All I ever wanted was for you to love me!! All I ever wanted was to be more loved than Robin!!" he screamed at her. "But no!! I was your boyfriend and I knew, he laughed, I knew you liked Robin!! So enough was enough! You broke up with me just so you could run away and be with them! Is it too much to ask CLOVE! For some fucking love and respect!!!" he screamed. He was crying. For once Jack couldn't take it anymore, he let the tears come. "You know Robin was my friend! I liked hanging out with our whole gang! I can't even process why! But they left me!! EVERYONE LEFT ME!! I LIVED ALONE IN THIS SHITTY TOWN FOR 14 YEARS CLOVE!! AND YOU KNEW THAT!! You were all I had and still!! YOU LEFT ME!! Just like everyone else." he began to laugh, nonstop a sick twisted manner of laughter. It didn't matter if Clove felt sorry for him, It didn't matter who he was before. This man was a lunatic, a psychopathic killer. If only Clove knew this. Clove went to Jack,"Jack- I- I'm so sorry." she said softly. Jack stood there silently crying. He mumbled something under his breath. "What?" Clove asked softly. Suddenly Jack leapt up and shoved Clove all the way to the edge of the cliff, where she hung there gripping on for her life. "I said you were my everything, and I lost that, so in return I'll take everything from you." He laughed some more now, tears still spilling down his face. Clove was panicking, trying to pull herself up. She didn't look down, instead she looked right at me. I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do. Jack slowly walked over to Clove. "Aww what's this!?" he asked, taking the letter from Clove's pocket. He ripped it open and began to read, a smile on his face.

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