Chapter Sixteen

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**Fair warning- this is a bit sad**

Alice POV

The alarm clocked sounded off and I slammed my hand on it, shutting it up. I groaned before dragging my butt out of bed and sitting up.

I stretched, yawning, glancing at the clock beaming bright at 6:15 in the morning. It was way too early for school and today I just knew it was going to be a tired-some day. It wasn’t because I stay up late last night, it just my body was exhausted and worn out.

The past two weeks have been hectic. Last week I spent getting back on track with school work from my missed days and those nights were long, hard, tough nights. On top of it, James ended up getting sick, shortly after the day we skipped, and his mother refused to let anyone near, which is understandable.

And then this week was the last week before a four-day weekend, in honor of prom. So that meant every teacher was getting as much tests in this week right before the seniors and random juniors that would lose their minds. Not that it matter much to me, I really wasn’t much of a prom/dance person.

I quickly changed and went into the bathroom. After that, I headed downstairs to eat and was a bit shocked to see Michael at the table, just slipping coffee and reading.

“Morning,” I said quietly.

He murmured in response. And I continued on my journey to get food, not bothering him for more conversation. It was early but this week is just being crazy and bad for us all.

After getting my bagel with cream cheese done, I sat across from Michael. We sat in silence expect for my occasional bits and his frequent sips. It was dreary and unpleasant, and it felt like even the air seemed sad.

But I knew it was only the beginning of an even dreary, depressing week, for it, was the week of hell and everything showed it.

And today was the day that changed everything.

“Remember, Saturday morning we are going to visit,” Michael said.

I nodded numbly, recalling last night at the dinner table when mother told us. I then pushed out my chair and stuffed the rest of the bagel in my mouth before running upstairs to brush my teeth and leave for the bus.

 This morning was a reminder that it was only one more day away but the storm came crashing into my body. Today was the day where the lighting struck and the world became darker. Today was the day my happy, normal life shattered and left broken. And sadly that meant there was only one more day…

One more day…


It came quicker than I hoped.

April 26 is just another day for most people, as is any day. But when something happened tragically on this day, it was marked in my history as not just another day.

It was marked as the day of memories and scars that normally stay hidden and concealed, out to dance and play. It was marked and forever into my mind as one of the turning points of my life.

But I wasn’t ready for the earthquake that outshined the raging, quiet storm within us.

We were sitting at the table, solemnly eating. Mom made steak with mashed potatoes, soft carrots, and corn muffins, for the first time all year. It was the only time we eat the four things together.

I numbly ate it, I didn’t really have a hunger but I knew I had to eat it. My brother usually was a loud chewer seemed quiet. And my mother once radiating with happiness and cheer seemed to be barely alive and breathing.

Apologizing to the Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now