Chapter Three

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I dedicated this chapter to my friend because she just started wring a book. It’s called Can there be an “us”?? The picture to the right is of Alice's brother.


Alice POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. I threw my arm up hitting the alarm clock button. God, it’s Monday. This means school, work and homework.

And James, I thought.

 It’s not like I’m upset that I am going to see him. I’m scared and my stomach is in all sort of bunches. I was nervous and uggh I hate it. I hate feeling like this! He’s probably not worrying about what he is going to wear today and if his makeup looks okay.

 Oh boy, I’m going crazy.

See this is why I like school without James. I never had to worry about my outfit or anything being ruined. You see he would always find a way to ruin my perfume, my outfits and my things. Like I said before, we were not the nicest people to each other. 

I walked downstairs. I grabbed an orange out of the fruit basket and started to peel. I finally chose an outfit. I had on a dark blue shirt with dark jeans. I put a long, chain necklace on with sliver, long earrings.

 My mom had recently decided that this family needs more fruit and vegetables. At first, it kind of got annoying but I know it’s just her way of dealing with things.

 “Hello little sister,” my older brother rustled my hair. My brother, Michael, was a very calm child. His whole personality described it. At least to me, just looking at him you could tell he was a good kid. He had dirty blonde hair with gentle blue eyes. He was in college but he had this week off. Michael always comes home when he could.

 He never did anything really bad and you could always count on him. But in a down sense, he likes to follow the rules. Which meant no sneaking out or having parties without mom.

 I would never do that sort of thing but I am just saying I couldn’t anyways.


 He sat on the stool and poured out some apple juice.

 Funny, how things keeps popping up.

He started laughing at me. I blinked out of my day dream. “Alice, you in some kind of wonderland and you aren’t telling me?”

 I rolled my eyes. “No.” He smiled. Since I got the name Alice when we were kids if I ever day dreamed, he would ask if I was in a wonderland and to not go down the rabbit hole.

 He checked his watch. “You better go, you have school.”

 “Right, thanks,” I jumped off my stool and grabbed my backpack. The other thing about Michael, he was never late. I walked out of the door and froze.

 Oh boy.


There he was on my corner. Crap. Okay I’m nervous. Alright nervous is an understatement. I slowly unstuck my feet and walked to the corner. I swear my heart has never beaten this fast. I can barely think straight.

 He smirked at me. “Hey.”

 “Hey.”  I stop walking and started staring at the ground. We were just standing there, not saying anything. Just staring everywhere but each other. Talk about awkward. I hear him sighing so I look up. He also is shaking his head slowly.

I finally got a good look at him. He was wearing dark jeans that fitted him nicely along with a hood-ie which was covering a black shirt. I blinked a couple times realizing I was staring.

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