Chapter Four

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Picture to the side is of Alice’s mom because she was next. Dedication to baffle. Thanks for the dedication and get up with the great books!


Alice POV

I walked in the door. "Where have you been?" screamed someone.

Oh boy.

Now most people would have guess that was there mother worrying about them. But me I had to worry about my brother worrying about me. Yes, you heard me correctly. And yes my brother is standing in the kitchen facing me with his hands in the air. Words can't describe how much I love to laugh at him. And I know that will only anger him so I thought against it.

 "Sorry mom, I had to get tampons." I said putting my school bag down and taking off my coat, not facing him. My brother had gotten quiet. Well I guess when you involve your period, guys flee the subject even the room. I hung my coat on the coat rack and looked at him. He had his hands on his temple, rubbing them back and forth.

 "Alice, you could have called." I smirked at him.

 "Why? Mom wouldn't have worried."

 "How do you know that, Alice?" He screamed looking up. His eyes were filled with worry.

 "In case you haven't notice, it's only 4:40. Mom's not in here." I gestured with my hands around the kitchen.


 "It doesn't matter, just calm down okay? Nothing bad happened. I promise next I will call." I said crossing my heart.

 He sighed. "Good. Now no more falling down the rabbit hole." He shook his finger at me. I rolled my eyes. Maybe I should get him tampons since apparently he's on his period. Stupid mood swings.

I walked up the stairs and sat at my desk. I got out my homework and absently-minded filled it out. Today wasn't a horrible day. If every day was like this, I don't think I mind. What I mean is James, of course. I mean aside from the detention and him touching me, I wouldn't have mind the way we talk. Some people may ask why we aren't nice to each other. But let's face it, no good girl and bad boy can ever be nice to each other. Plus I know me and James are just teasing each other.

I sighed as I heard mom calling me to dinner. I haven't even finished my homework. I never did finished my homework before the next day. So usually I did my first three subjects and then I do the rest in Lunch, which is usually just History. Then the next period, Study hall, I start the homework from today.

I never had a free moment to go on my computer. I always love to go on the computer and just surf. I know that sounds boring but truth be told I could go in YouTube for hours and not care. 

I know you are thinking that I don’t do a sport so I should have enough free-time. So stop complaining! But the truth is I knew how it felt to be in a sport and do homework. That’s why I don’t really complain I just deal while it.

Because I used to do a sport, tennis. I loved playing that sport and I thought I was pretty good. Then I had to quit because it was too much during a certain time period.

"Alice, dinner!"

"Coming" I yelled. I pushed up my desk and walked downstairs.

My mother was a carefree time of person. She didn't do drama and she loved to pull pranks. She has never really been serious. Only two times have I ever seen her serious and I hated it.

She had wavy, blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back. She has a full face, really white teeth and green eyes.

"Sorry I was doing homework," I said while grabbing a plate. Ooh spaghetti. Yummy.

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