Chapter 5

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"I think we should go to the party tonight," Astral whispered

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"I think we should go to the party tonight," Astral whispered.

I sighed and wrote down some notes instead of answering that.

"Mars, I think we should go to the party," he repeated, murmuring this time instead of whispering.

"I heard you. You know I'm not going to that party."

All of the college parties were horrific. We had tried going in the past. Astral would get drunk and chat with some of the other students and I'd stand around until I got bored and left. Nobody here would talk to me, except for the faculty. So, while Astral was having a good time with our peers, I'd hang around the adults.

"You go," I said and turned the page in the book I was reading.

"But it's no fun without you and it's the last party of the year. And the last party for us ever." He wasn't even trying to be quiet anymore, completely disregarding library rules and I sighed deeply.

"Maybe. If I finish this section, I'll maybe show up. For one drink. And don't expect me to dress up or anything."

He didn't say anything but just looked very satisfied with himself.

I finished the section and sighed

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I finished the section and sighed. I had promised I'd show up. Astral had left some hours ago, patting my head. He had finished his section hours before. He was much faster at this than me, but I also had to proofread his sections. So, while he was faster, I was better. It worked out well for us, because he'd end up writing more than me, but we both worked equally as hard on this and ended up doing just as much as the other.

I hadn't left the room since we got back from dinner. And I didn't really feel like it, but Astral had looked very handsome when he left. And once upon a time he had bought a dark blue velvet jacket that really contrasted my skin and hair quite well. He said I looked nice in it as well.

I found it in the big oak wardrobe and a clean white shirt. I also put on the trousers for our dress uniforms with the accompanying white knee socks. Looking at the mirror, I didn't think I looked too bad. My hair curled at my ears and the discolouration on my skin, especially on my arms wasn't visible. I had never liked the fact that I didn't scar like everyone else. Instead of leaving a proper scar, my skin turned darker instead. As if it returned to a normal skin tone. I had my own theory, that if my paper white skin tone ever disappeared and was fully replaced by the one underneath, then maybe that'd be the day I died.

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