Chapter 18

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We came to a small town but there was no inn here

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We came to a small town but there was no inn here. The main travel road didn't lead through the forest, apparently. And that meant this town wasn't visited often. They had a place for campers still, which offered shade and a pit to start a fire, so that would have to do.

Tomorrow we'd get a ride to a proper town where there'd be an inn, so this was just for one night. That didn't appease Astral though. He wanted to sleep in a bed and not on the ground. It wasn't like I was looking forward to sleeping on the ground either, but I didn't think throwing a fit over it was really necessary.

Zeke and I made the best of it, pretending to have gone camping. We talked about all the stars we'd be seeing when it grew dark. Keefe had food we could roast over the fire. Rabbits he had shot in the forest and some bread we could heat on the stones by the fire. It was turning out to be a real feast and Keefe told us everything he knew about sleeping out in the wild.

He might've not been the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but he knew his way around nature. He collected some mushrooms for us to roast as well.

It wasn't bad and soon even Astral warmed up to us camping. He sat next to me, munching on a loaf of bread. I leaned against him and he put his arm around my shoulders. He placed a kiss on the top of my head and continued to eat. I had finished my own loaf long ago, but I was still hungry. I was always hungry.

"You want the rest?" Astral asked when he caught me eyeing his loaf.

"You should eat it yourself," I said half-heartedly.

"I'm fine. I don't have a bottomless pit in my stomach."

I frowned and pulled far away enough "Neither do I."

"You do, Mars," Astral laughed and gave me the rest of his loaf. "Or it's a creature, growling all the time."

I bit down into the bread instead of answering. Astral pulled me close again and kissed my cheek. He was trying to sway me back on his side and quite frankly, it worked.

"You're so cute, when you're grumpy," he murmured into my hair.

"You're unattractive when you act a fool."

He laughed again and settled against me. "You don't think I'm unattractive."

"Can't you just pretend you don't know that?"

In the midst of our conversation, Zeke and Keefe had been observing us from the other side of the bonfire in silence. Keefe finally cleared his throat.

"Are you two married? If so, have you been married long?"

Zeke snorted much like a pig and then burst out laughing. "They do sound like an old married couple."

"So, they are not married?"

"No, but we've been friends since childhood," I said and chuckled.

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