Chapter 29

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We had gotten cleaned up, our clothes had been picked up by a person who didn't really want to talk to us, and we were given new clothes to borrow

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We had gotten cleaned up, our clothes had been picked up by a person who didn't really want to talk to us, and we were given new clothes to borrow. We were offered several choices and I found a shirt with roses embroidered into the silk fabrics. Back at the college I would've never worn something like this, but now? This called my name, and I couldn't stop smoothing my hands over the fabric.

Astral came up behind me, putting his hands on my ribs. "You look lovely," he murmured.

He was always the lovely one. I turned my head and received a kiss.

"Let's go find that food," he said and let me go.

I grabbed him before he got too far away, pulled him to me and kissed him, pressing his body to me. "You look marvellous."

He smiled and grabbed my hand and together we left the room. Another not very talkative person met us outside and showed us to the dining room. I kept wondering why they didn't wanna talk to us. It was so weird. And both this person and the other one had worn shades to cover their eyes with black glasses. It was weird.

The dining room was just as ridiculously beautiful as the rest of what we had seen so far. An exceptionally long table big enough to room at least twenty people sat in the middle of the room. A large fireplace took up the centre of one wall, and like our bed, two massive windows flanked its sides. A ridiculous chandelier was hanging over the table, casting the whole room in a soft light. Like the rest of the castle, it was all in dark marble. I wanted to say it was black, but it wasn't really. It had shades of both white, green and blue in there.

Venus sat by the end of the table already, waiting for us. It was set so we'd sit opposite side of each other, leaving her in the centre.

I sat on her left, Astral on her right. She smiled at us both and then looked to one of the silent people, jerking her head ever so slightly at them. They came forward and put plates in front of us from a cart they had been pushing to the table. My stomach growled at the sight and smell of the food. I could taste the rosemary on the lambchops, and it made my mouth water.

"Please, eat. You must be famished." She grabbed her utensils and dug in.

Astral and I shared a glance before we followed suit. A silent person poured us wine and I looked up at them, smiling, giving them my thanks. They didn't reply and it didn't even look like they registered I was talking to them as they stepped back to the wall, just waiting until they were to pour wine again.

"I'm happy you found clothes that suited you," Venus said, putting her utensils down and wiping her mouth with a cloth.

"Yes, thank you. After being on the road all day it was quite refreshing to have something else to change into," Astral said. He was so polite. Usually, he wasn't this polite to strangers. I didn't know what to make of that.

"I'm glad to hear that. And your accommodations are satisfactory as well?"

"Yes, much more lavish than what we're used to."

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