Chapter 10

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We got to the next town by carriage

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We got to the next town by carriage. This was a bigger one with large town walls. And a lot of soldiers lounging about. I stepped closer to Astral as two very large soldiers eyed me for too long for my comfort.

"Not used to military outpost towns?" Zeke asked and glanced up at me.

"No. We had a few soldiers by the college but nothing like this," I replied with a bit of a shaky voice. I had no idea why they made me feel so uneasy. Maybe it was because of the big guns they had slinging from their belts or the fact that there were this many of them.

"Will they pose a problem?" Astral asked, taking my hand in his.

"Well, we probably shouldn't leave Mars alone on the streets. I don't know how the soldiers feel about people who're cursed. And considering the two of us are mages, and look the part, maybe we should just keep a low profile."

Astral frowned. "Right. Let's just find an inn with rooms and get some dinner. It's not like we're doing anything wrong here. And maybe we'll not stay around for long."

"I like the sound of that," I muttered and followed after Astral.

We found an inn and got rooms

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We found an inn and got rooms. It was a nice place, and they were all very friendly to us, which was a relief. I had feared they'd be rude. I wasn't sure why that had been my first thought. I was just an anxious mess and didn't feel like leaving the room, once Astral and I had settled into ours. Zeke got her own single room as we all felt like it'd be awkward for all three of us to share. I mean, we had just picked her up. She didn't know us that well yet.

While Astral had gone down to find us some food, she knocked on our door, opening it and popping her head in.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

I was sitting on the floor, leaning against the end of the bed, writing down some notes about one of Astral's latest visions.

I smiled and nodded. "Sure, come in. Astral is finding us food."

"Great, I'm starving."

"Me too."

She sat down next to me on the floor and peeked at my notes. "What are you writing?"

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