The person you've become

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Scott's P.O.V:

I was sleeping when I heard a screaming lead with a cry for help. I jumped out of my bed and ran towards where the scream was coming from. It was coming from Lizzie's room.

When I went inside I saw someone jumping out of the window, but I couldn't make out who it was, and when I looked out the window I didn't hear or see anyone.

I bring my head back into the room after poking my head out the window only to be met with a Lizzie on the floor holding her side which is where blood was coming out of. I bent down on my knees and started putting pressure on the wound as my mom and Stiles came into her room.

"Lizzie, what happened?" I ask her.

"I was stabbed wi-with a- dagger-," I cut her off seeing as she was struggling to speak.

"It's okay you don't have to speak," I say.

I didn't notice but Stiles was on the floor right beside her holding her hand almost in tears.

"What do we do?" Stiles asks in sadness and panic.

I was thinking about what we could do when my mom walked in with our emergency first aid kit starting to treat the wound.

"We can't move to the hospital she lost already too much blood, and these band-aids are going to hold but not for long," My mom finishes.

Then it hit me, we can call her uncle. He would probably know what to do to help Lizzie.

"Mom? Remember when you told us about how you left Damon Salvator and Elena in the house alone," I state remembering the conversation my irresponsible but lovable mother had with us about earlier today.

"Yeah, why?" She asks.

"Do you have their number and if so please call them," I say to my mother. She quickly nods and goes out of the room to go call Damon.

I slowly got up and let Stiles take my place closer to Lizzie so I could help my mom. Stiles had Lizzie's head in his hand before settling her head on his lap.

He then slowly grabbed her pillow and gently put the pillow under her head but still on his lap, and he was caressing her hair.

As much as I wanted to stay and watch this heartfelt scene I had to go help my mom.

She just ended the call with Damon and he said he was on his way. Almost exactly three minutes later we hear the doorbell ring. My mom rushes to the door to open it.

Damon was at the door with two other people and he and one of the girls walked in but the other girl just stayed outside.

"Um, Melissa may you please invite Caroline in?" Damon asked.

"Yeah, sure no problem. Come in," My mom says rushing Caroline in.

"Thank you," She says.

"Sorry I barged into your house, but I'm Bonnie," The other girls say. Damon already rushed upstairs while we did quick introductions.

What I got from intros is that Bonnie is a Bennett witch of expression magic, whatever that means, and Caroline is a vampire.

My mom and I quickly explained who we were and I also introduced Stiles who was upstairs. We then hear Damon yell.

"Bonnie, Caroline I need you up here, now!" Damon yells.

They both rush upstairs, my mom and I close behind.

Stiles P.O.V:

I was still supporting Lizzie's head and holding her hand to comfort her. I started to feel tears fall down my face looking at Lizzie.

"Stil-Stiles I'm f-fine," She struggles to say. She must have seen the tear coming down my face.

"Please just save your energy, and please stay strong," I practically begged her. She slightly nods her head.

I then see Damon rush into the room instantly rushing down to his knees to get a better look at his niece.

"Who did this?" He asks. You can sense the anger in his voice.

"We don't know, whoever it was fleed through the window," I say. I think he noticed how I was and softened his face at me.

Blood then started to gush out of Lizzie's side as she started to cough roughly.

"Bonnie, Caroline I need you up here, now!" Damon yells while holding and putting pressure on the wound.

Two girls then run into the room followed by Scott and his mom.

They knelt to Lizzie and one of them hovered their hands above Lizzie's body and started chanting.

The other girl then bites her wrist and shoves it in Lizzie's mouth.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Bonnie here is chanting a spell to help heal her body while my blood goes directly to her open wound," The blonde explains to me. "I'm Caroline, by the way, I'm a vampire," She says.

"Nice meeting you Caroline and Bonnie," They both smiled while we all waited for everything to settle in for Lizzie.

She then closed her eyes all of a sudden and I couldn't feel her pulse. I gently put her head down with the pillow and started chest compressions on her.

"What happened!?" I hear Damon yell.

"We don't know this shouldn't have happened," Bonnie says. I just ignored everyone and continued lightly doing chest compressions on her.

I then stopped as Bonnie tried to do a spell but it didn't work. I can feel the streams of tears coming down my face.

"Wait it healed," I hear Scott say. "Her wound is healed," He repeats.

"That means one thing," Caroline says.

"What, what is going on?" Melissa asks.

"Witches can't heal that quickly," Bonnie says.

"What, what does it mean?" I ask in frustration.

We all then hear a gasp from Lizzie as she sits up straight and looks frightened to death.

"She's in transition... of her becoming a vampire," Caroline says.


I'm going to start to make my chapters shorter because I want to finish this book but I am very busy.




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