New life

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Lizzie's P.O.V:

I woke up in a gasp and when I had time to realize what was happening I see everyone around me, including aunt Bonnie and Caroline.

"What's going on?" I ask. I then hear this large ringing in my head causing me to scream." Ahh, what the heck," I say looking up at them.

"It's okay Lizzie you're in transition," Aunt Caroline says.

"As in, I'm becoming a vampire?" I ask, and everybody nods.

"OMG I died," I say looking down at my hands.

"It's going to be okay Lizzie," Stiles says grabbing my hands and reassuring me.

I smile at him but stopped when I could hear his blood pumping in his neck, I could feel veins growing under my eyes.

"Get away from me," I say to Stiles. He tried to get closer but my uncle Damon stopped him.

"It's best if all the witches, humans and werewolves leave the room, now unless you want to be Lizzie's lunch," Damon says.

Everyone except for Damon and Caroline left the room.

"I died," I told them.

"We know sweetie, and if you don't want to die again, this time permanently you have to drink blood," Caroline explained.

"I can't be a heretic, I'm a witch," at this point, I was in a panic.

Bipolarness and vampirism don't mix, got it.

"I'm so hungry, and I can hear all the blood pumping on the other side of that door," I say.

"Lizzie calm down, we are going to take you to the Mikealson's mansion," Damon says.

"What, why?"

"You're a type of hybrid now and the only person we can think of to help you is Klaus, because Valerie Tull disappeared off the face of the earth, and until we can find her we need someone with hybrid training," Caroline says.

"But what if Hope is there meaning Josie is there?"

"You'll be fine, the school year isn't over yet, which means she's still at the boarding school," Damon says.

I slowly nodded, but then I thought about the pack.

"Wait I'm not going anywhere without the pack," I state.

I can tell Damon was a but to argue that, but Caroline can't him off.

"We will compel them houses in New Orleans," She says.

Damon was about to protest again but was cut off again.

"Right Damon," She says looking at him.

Damon then looks at me and gives into the deal.

"Okay fine," He gives in.

I smile at him, but that ended quickly when I heard his blood pumping. I could feel veins growing underneath my eyes.

"Damon I think your human little ass can get out of the room now," Caroline says.

"What no I'm not leaving," He says.

Without knowing I lunged at uncle Damon, but Caroline held me back.

She then grabbed me and she threw me and herself out of the window. Surprisingly we landed on our feet.

"I'm sorry Liz but you were just going to maul your uncle," She says. I just simply nod.

I then hear these strong sirens and they just kept getting louder and louder and hurting me every time.

"What's happening!?" I ask in agonizing pain.

"Your senses are heightened you need to feed soon," Caroline says. "We can go to the hospital and we can give you some blood bags," She said. I nod.

When I look back up where my window is, I see everyone checking to see if I'm okay.

"I'm fine!" I yell up at them.

I can tell they all let out a breath of relief when I said those words.


On My Own: Away From Family {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now