25: Rubbish Weibo makes my hand slippery

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Translated By Florian Khit


Cheng Jiaming didn't dare to get out of the air.

In his impression, Qin Ke was a very restrained person. Even if someone provoked him before, he would only walk away blankly, and both of them dismissed each other's lofty appearance.

But at this moment, the pain from his wrist told him that Qin Ke was angry.

Cheng Jiaming has never seen Qin Ke angry, but in his subconscious, he always thinks that Qin Ke, who is his age, should not have such a strong sense of oppression, let alone look at two jumping clowns, with contempt in his eyes. mean.

It's as if standing in front of him is not his classmates from college, but two-tier superstars whose qualifications and popularity are much higher than him.

"You, you got it wrong." Cheng Jiaming lost his smile, "It's not what you think, we have been in friendship for many years, right, you can let me go first."

Qin Ke didn't let go: "I don't want to hear this."

Cheng Jiaming was helpless, so he turned his head and said to the phone: "I was talking nonsense just now, Qin Ke is not in that kind of relationship with his boss, don't believe it."

The person who listened to the whole process on the phone: "..."

Although I didn't believe it, but you are too fast to slip and kneel.

Qin Ke actually felt the same way.

Regardless of the previous life or the current life, he didn't want to pass it, just a role in two plays. How could Cheng Jiaming, who had always been above the top, find ways to target him.

He even sacrificed his own future twice.

If Song Yunran knew what he thought, he would definitely think lovingly: "Stupid boy, because you are the protagonist. The princesses in fairy tales are all framed by others. With such a simple reason, your IQ is not even this. Can't understand?"

"Is it all right?" Cheng Jiaming's trembling voice interrupted his thoughts.

Qin Ke retracted his hand and looked at him slowly: "Go away."

Cheng Jiaming rolled numbly.

He rolled on both sides, thinking on both sides, it seems that after Qin Ke's resources soared, his temper has also grown, and the two must be careful in the future, and must not let the other party catch the handle again.

Suddenly, Qin Ke whispered to him: "Cheng Jiaming."

Cheng Jiaming turned back subconsciously: "Hey, what's the matter?"

After speaking, I wanted to slap myself in the face and answer so flatteringly what is it for!

A few meters away, Qin Ke swept over with his eyes coldly: "I'll do it for myself."

Cheng Jiaming was stunned, two bursts of chill rushed from his spine to his temples.

For a brief moment, it was as if his skull had been removed, and all his dirty thoughts were seen through by people's eyes.

Real fear spread from the soles of his feet. He swallowed hard, did not dare to say two more words, and fled the scene in a panic.

In the evening, Qin Ke returned to the upper court of Xicheng.

Before getting off the car, he thought for a while and told his assistant Xiao Ke: "There is an actor named Cheng Jiaming in the same crew. He used to be a classmate of my university, but our relationship is not very good."

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