Chapter Three

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A/N: updates might be slow, I'm sorry!

Chapter Three


I watched as Lynz got on the tour bus, closing the door behind her. I thought about what I whispered to her, and wondered if it was necessary. She probably thought I was a freak of some sort.

"Gerard? Come on. We gotta get back on the road." Frank waved his hands in front of my face. I nodded and followed the guys back on the bus.

I couldn't get my mind off Lynz. She seemed so shy around me, but I was worse. I got a can of beer and sat down on a stool in the kitchen, taking a large gulp as I thought about everything we talked about.

I want to get to know her more. I'd call her but I don't want to seem too desperate.


I sat by my phone, waiting for it to ring. I was being too desperate; Gerard probably has better things to do than call boring old me.

I picked at the black nail polish on my nails and sighed. I might as well do something productive while I wait. I picked up my bass and began to make up a few chords.

My fingers flew freely and I felt more confident in what I was doing. I heard footsteps but I paid no attention to it.

I stomped my foot along with the chords and found myself nodding my head as I finished, hearing slow claps behind me.

I jumped and turned around, only to see my wide eyed band mates smiling at me.

"Linds!" Kitty exclaimed, "that was amazing. What is that song?" I shrugged smiling sheepishly, "I just..... Made it up, I guess."

"I've gotta tell you, you sound way better than you did when you first auditioned." Steve patted me on the back, referring to the fact that he wouldn't even look at me during my audition until I pulled that stunt.

"I think we have a new song, Ballato. What inspired you? Gerard?" Jimmy smirked, earning himself a slap on the arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed the part of his arm that was smacked, "you know it's true. You were waiting for him to call and-" Jimmy was cut off by my phone ringing.

I rushed to it and answered, hearing Gerard's voice on the other end, "Hey Lynz. I um... I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime before the tour starts. Id love to get to know you."

I found myself smiling wider than I ever have before. I ignored the snide remarks from my bandmates and thought about the fact that Gerard wanted to get to know me. Of all people, me.

He has fans falling at his feet and he'd rather hang out with me.

I bit my lip, to hold in the giggles that were threatening to escape, "sure. I'd love to. When?"

I heard shuffling in the background, and a voice that sounded like Ray's say "Just say tomorrow at 4!"

I then heard Gerard clear his throat before saying, "how about tomorrow at 4?"

I smiled once more before saying, "that sounds great. Bye Gerard." And hanging up.

I turned around to my bandmates slowly, with a huge smile on my face, "I'M HANGING OUT WITH GERARD TOMORROW!" I squealed, causing them all to erupt in cheers and laugh at me, as I'm not the one to squeal. I guess it's just the effect Gerard has on me.

"I called it. You guys owe me 20 dollars." Kitty smirked. My eyes widened, I never thought Kitty would be the one to place a bet on us.

That's something Jimmy and Steve would do.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the kitchen as Steve and Jinmy took out their wallets. I sat on the counter and put my chin in my hand, thinking of scenarios that had a 0.2% chance of happening tomorrow.

I hopped down and opened the fridge, taking out a beer, and deciding to call that girl I met the other day. Jo was her name..... I think. I dialed her number and waited. The phone rang a few times until I heard her voice.

"Heyo, it's Jo!" She said. So her name is Jo.

"Hey Jo," I smiled, "it's lynz!" I spun around in the chair I was now sitting in.

"Hey! How've you been? I thought you were never gonna call." She laughed. I laughed with her, shaking my head, "no no, I wouldn't do that. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime soon. The tour is coming to an end."

"Sure! I'd love to. When though?" She asked. I pondered for a moment until I came up with a date.

"Tomorrow," I smiled, "and bring your boyfriend. If you have one." I quickly added on the last part.

"Okay. See ya!"

"See ya." I smiled, hanging up.

Wow. What a way to start spring break; sick. 😕😒

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