Chapter Five

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A/N: updates will be a lot quicker now that I've gotten inspiration

Chapter Five


"Lynz? Are you okay?"

I looked up to see everyone looking at me, worry filled their eyes. I realized I had tears running down my face, once the salty liquid touched my lips.

I quickly wiped them, avoiding everyone's gaze, that seemed to be locked on me, "I-I'm fine. Just thinking is all. Don't worry about it." I waved them off.

They all nodded and went back tow hat they were doing, except Ray, who sat down next to me.

"You sure you're okay? You looked kinda scared." He pushed some of his fro out of his eyes, searching mine for answers. I looked down and picked the remaining black polish from yesterday off my nails.

"It's nothing. For now, at least. I'll tell you when I'm ready, fro man." I said quietly, smiling a bit before giving him a tight hug, "thank you for caring."

He pulled away and smiled, getting up, "no problem. If you ever need me; I'm here."

I smiled and looked down at my boots. I soon snapped my head back up when I heard Gerard's voice echo from the booth.

"What do I do?" He laughed. I chuckled to myself as he continued to shrug.

"We haven't got anything. All we have is a concept." Frank shrugged. I scooted closer to him, "what's the concept?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

They all laughed and Frank shook his head, "can't tell ya."

Gerard put the headphones on the mic and came out of the booth, "just know it's gonna be beyond awesome. It's based on something I've been working on."

I poured and folded my arms, resembling a little kid, "fine. But I want to be the first to know what it is."

-Time Lapse-


Soon it was time for us to leave the studio. We had done a little writing there but we mainly watched the others record their new song, Never Wanted to Dance.

"Gerard?" Ray asked me as I sat down on the couch of the tour bus' living area. I looked up at him and he continued,

"Did Lynz seem a little off today at the studio to you? Or is it just me?"

I thought back to when she had tears running down her face, then told us it was nothing. It did seem a little strange, but I didn't want to be in her personal business like that. It'd just seem wrong.

"I noticed. But I don't think it's anything we should be worried about. If she wants to tell us she'll tell us. Let's not get into her personal space, we haven't known her long."

Ray nodded, "I agree. She told me she'd tell me when she's ready." He got up and went to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of already opened chips and munching on them.

She was gonna tell him when she was ready? Why him? Why not me?

I pushed these thoughts away and turned on the TV, forcing myself to be interested in whatever they were putting on.

I picked at a loose thread on my shirt and sighed. What if something really is wrong? I can't wait until tomorrow to ask or find out. I need to talk to her now.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on her contact, waiting for it to ring.


After we got back from the studio, we all thought it'd be a good idea to go out to a restaurant. Not a fancy one, of course. We'd get kicked out.

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