Chapter 5

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I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself, trying to cover my exposed skin, as I made my way to the car. Finally, I flung open the back door, only to find Louis laying face down in the cushions.

"Louis?" I question, climbing in to better see him.

He groaned, rolling to look at me, clutching his stomach. "I don't feel good," he moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Here, let me take you inside. It's freezing out here." I carefully helped him out, wrapping an arm around his waist to support his weight.

"Y-you must b-be cold," he shivered, trying to shed his jacket.

I shook my head vigorously, refusing to take the jacket from him. "No, I'm fine. You need it." While I said that, I gave an involuntary shiver.

Louis sighed impatiently, putting the jacket on for me, zipping it up to the top. "Stubborn," he murmured.

The sleeves hung way past my hands, so I had to push them up. Once I finished, I looked to Louis, noticing his face had gone very pale. "Lou-"

Before I could finish my question, he turned around and threw up, coughing. I gasped, coming next to him and patting his back gently.

"Go... Inside," Louis gasped, coughing more.


I stayed as he threw up pretty much his entire stomach contents, brushing his hair back occasionally.

He looked up, face still pale, but not as sickly. "I think I'm ready to go inside now."

I smiled, leading him up the stairs. Once inside, I sent him in his room to get cleaned up as I got him some water. Searching the cabinets and finally finding the glasses, I filled a glass with water and grabbed some aspirin.

I brought Louis his supplies, only to find he was asleep on the couch. Going over, I placed the drink and pills on the table beside him, jumping when I looked back and saw his eyes focused on me.

"What?" I asked, smirking at him.

"Oh, nothing." He continued staring, make me shift uncomfortable in my position standing over him. Seeming to notice, he hopped up quickly, only to get dizzy.

"What do you need, Louis?"

"Those clothes must be uncomfortable. Let me get you something to change into-"

"No! I'm fine, honestly. I must get back to work anyway," I interrupted.

When I tried to head toward the door, I felt something snatch my hand, pulling me back.

"No, please. Stay." Louis pleaded, looking me straight in the eyes.

I sighed inwardly, giving him a slight nod. He smiled, looking down. Smile fading, he took a better look at my arm.

"Gillian, what's this-" I snatched my arm away quickly, backing up.

"It's nothing, really. Just a, erm, did you say you had clothes for me?" I gushed, a blush creeping onto my face.

He looked as if he wanted to continue the conversation, but dropped it. I followed him into his room, getting some pants and a Tshirt tossed to me.

"Bathroom is down the hall, on the right," he instructed, pulling out clothes for hisself.

Tossing my old clothes in a corner on the floor, I quickly dressed, looking quite small in his oversized clothes. I rolled up the sleeves and pant legs do I could move, and left the bathroom.

Walking into the living room, I see Louis setting himself up on the couch.

"Oh, I will sleep on the couch!" I said, shooing him off.

"No, take my bed." He stated, turning the lamp off, ending the conversation. I sighed.

"Night." I called, going back to his room.

"Night, Gigi."

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