Chapter 11

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I took it and flipped the top off, gasping at the contents.


(Louis' POV) 

Being shoved into my room by Harry, I immediately began rummaging through my closet. Coming to stand beside me, Harry put his hand on my shoulder.  

"Louis." I turned to face him. "I already picked one out for you." 

I grinned at him, stalking to my bed and grabbed the suit that was laid out. "Thanks for helping, Harry. I just care about her a lot." 

Harry pulled on a smile, but I could tell he was stressed about something. "Harry? What's wrong?" 

"Louis... Is she just a rebound for Eleanor? I mean, it's great you're getting back out there, but-" he cut himself off as his voice cracked slightly. Clearing his throat, he continued "I've seen her wrists, Lou. I don't want you to cause any more. But, if you really care about her..." Harry grabbed a comb from the bedside table. "Then lets get you ready."


I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited in the kitchen, tugging on my tie. "How long is this supposed to take?" I whined, plopping down in a chair.  

"Girls usually take more than five minutes to get ready, Lou," Harry said, obviously bored.  

"I know, but it's been TEN MINUTES, Harry! Maybe I should go up and get-" 

"No! Don't you dare ruin this for me!" We both jumped as Niall bounded into the kitchen. "She will walk down the stairs and look fabulous as you gaze upon our masterpiece," he explained dramatically.  

Rolling my eyes, I pushed past Niall, impatience and curiosity getting the best of me. Before I could even set foot on the first step, I was tackled to the ground, hands held behind my back.  

"What part of 'gazing upon our masterpiece' did you not understand?" Niall growled, sitting on my back as I struggled beneath him.  

"How are you doing this?" I huffed, frustrated.  

"Oh, you know. I've been training to wrestle you to the ground." 

"Get off!" 


"Get off or else-" before I could finish my threat, someone cleared their throat from the top of the stairs.  

I strained my head, getting a small glimpse of teal-colored fabric. Feeling the weight lifting from my back slightly, I pushed up, knocking Niall to the ground, and scrambled into a standing position at the bottom of the stairs.

Gillian stood, blushing deeply, her hair flowing in slight curls over her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. Her eyes instantly locked with mine as she began walking towards me. The dress flowed perfectly down her body, showing off every beautiful aspect of her body.  

"Lou, close your mouth. You're starting to drool." Niall chuckled next to me, earning a glare from me.  

Once Gillian reached me, I was still at a loss for words.  

"Gillian... You look... It's..." I fumbled with my compliment, searching for the perfect word.  

"Beautiful?" Harry suggested.  

"Amazing?" Zayn piped in.  

"Gorgeous?" Liam added.  

"A masterpiece?!" Niall asked.  

"Perfect," I finished, satisfied with my word choice. Gillian blushed deeply, making me laugh. "Come on, we are going to be late."  

Taking her hand in mine, we both waved goodbye to the boys, and I led her out the door. As we went out and into the street, I smiled as Gillian gasped when she saw what was waiting for us.  

She turned to gape at me. "A limo?!"

(Gillian's POV) 

He laughed at my reaction. "Yeah, thought we should arrive in style!" He led me towards the car, opening the door for me.  

Right as I went to climb in, a loud rip sounded, making us both freeze. "Oh, no!" I cried, standing up straight.  

There was a medium-sized rip going from my mid thigh to my hip bone, slightly exposing skin. My face looked distraught as I tried helplessly to pull the fabric back together.  

"Oh, Louis! I am so sorry, I don't know what happened! Oh, this beautiful dress is ruined. I can't believe I ripped it-" 

Before I could apologize more, Louis took the hem of his suit jacket, effortlessly tugging and ripping a tear into it.  

"There. Now we match," Louis smiled, gesturing me to get inside the limo once again.

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