Chapter 12

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A/n: Authors Note at the end is REALLY important !

Chapter 12:

(Gillian's POV)

We sit down and Louis gets up to whisper something to the driver before returning and flashing me a quick smile before sitting down again.

Silence filled the limousine until finally Louis spoke,"So what happened while we were out shopping?" 

"I took a well needed nap," I pause, should I even bring up Zayn? 

Before I could decide whether or not I would inform him about Zayn in general, he beat me to it. 

"I see Zayn got a pretty bad beating," 

I nod,"He told me Perrie's manager kicked him out since he refused to leave." 

"Ah..." Louis said,"So i'm guessing you're the one that cleaned him up?"

My hands begin to tremble, I notice, and quickly stuff them underneath my warm thighs.


"W-what?" I answer , snapping back into reality.

He chuckles softly," I asked you if you we're the one who cleaned him up and You got kind of lost in your thoughts. Something on your mind?" 

I fight the urge to say yes, yes there is something on my mind. You, My Kiss with Zayn, My Job, The deal I have with Paul, my supply.

"Yeah I was," I smile sweetly at him,"Just kinda get lost in my thoughts often. My mom used to tell me I'd do that a lot as a kid."

"You don't really talk about your family often, any reason?" Louis asks, a look of concern in his eyes.

"It's nothing really, I just don't talk to them as often." I answer, tears welling up at the brim of my eyes.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it, love." He pats my thigh lightly. In return, I lift my head and send him a small smile.

Louis' phone rings and he immediately slips it out from his front pocket to check the caller I.D.

"What's up?"He answers. I'm guessing it was one of the boys, or Paul. I don't expect him to speak to his managers that way.

"Great!" He exclaims, a small smile played on his lips as the person on the other end of the line explain something to him. After a while of listening his facial expression hardened and became more serious."I understand, thanks lad." 

The other end screams something and Louis laughs loudly, "Ok. Harry." 

With that the call ended and he turned to me and began laughing again.

"What?" I ask, starting to laugh a little myself. By now, Louis was a deep shade of pink and you'd think he'd start to have breathing problems from laughing so hard.

"Something Harry told me about you, nothing bad though."

Knowing how cheeky Harry is, I stop myself from wondering what he could have possibly said. 

 The car finally comes to a hault, and the driver informs us of our arrival. 

Louis thanks him and smiles,"Close your eyes."

I do as he says, and hear a car door open then close. I reopen my eyes to find Louis gone.

I was momentarily confused until he came up to my door and opens it, helping me out. I close my eyes again, thinking of where he could possibly be taking me. 

"Open your eyes now." 

I slowly open my eyes and gasp, at the verge of tears, staring at what lie in front of me.


Hehehe Sorry for the cliffhanger xD

I felt like I needed to update but next chapter is wow,...

Big news is:


Im gonna continue the story for Em xD so from now on i'm gonna be the one writing!

Remeber to vote &Comment ! I cannot write unless i know atleast SOMEONE is reading :s 

Clementon park tomorrow yey

(Updated May 30th, 2013 )

 Love, Jen x

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