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It was a dark and stormy night when the figure approached the small coastal town of Haggard. Waves were crashing against the cliffside, the spray mixing with the harsh wind and hitting the face of the figure, yet he did nothing. He walked as if it were a bright summer day with a gentle breeze caressing him lovingly. It were as if the storm understood the figure was not meant to be there, for it suddenly increased its efforts, rain lashing harder, each drop a stinging bullet, and the wind rising, shrieking and howling like an abandoned animal. Despite the increased force, the figure’s golden blonde hair remained untouched and his pure white clothes perfectly dry.

He continued on through the town until he reached the residential side where a single light was on in the sea of houses, and it was at this house that he stopped. As though waiting for some sort of sign, he watched the house for an hour as the storm ripped around him. Finally, when the last light turned off and all was dark, he looked up at the sky for a moment, closing his eyes. Great white wings unfurled from his back, pumping once, twice, before he leaped into the sky. He flew over the house and landed on a window ledge that overlooked the cliffs and ocean, where he perched for only a moment before opening the unlocked window and climbing inside.

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