Chapter 2

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It was nine o’clock the next night and I was just about ready to go. I had packed some food and water along with an extra pair of clothes in a duffel bag. I paused for a second before running to the bathroom and throwing in a first aid kit and a bunch of bandages. Who knows, we probably will need them. The only thing left to do was go tell my aunt that I was leaving.

“Aunt Tauriel?” I called as I took my time going slowly down the stairs. I had no clue whether or not she knew of what was going to happen, but I wanted to prolong the moment as long as possible.

“I’m in here Kali!” She called from the kitchen.

“Hey,” I said as I went into the kitchen, adjusting the bag on my shoulder. “I have something I need to tell you.”
Aunt Tauriel just smiled at me. “It’s alright, sweetie. I already know. Gabriel came and spoke to me before he left.” I was shocked. “Now come, I have something your mother wanted you to have.”

She went into the living room and pulled down one of the large photographs that hung on the wall. Behind it was a sword, maybe two or three feet, the sheath and handle a beautiful white covered in swirling golden runes that glinted in the light. Aunt Tauriel grabbed it and walked towards me, running her hands over it lovingly before holding it out for me to grab.

“This is an angelic sword, made of celestial iron and sharper than any mortal sword. It was your mother’s, and she wanted me to give it to you when you needed it. Take it with you. It will help you and lend you strength. That is the magic of this blade.”

“Thank you,” I whispered as I grabbed the sword from her, running my hand over it in awe before sliding it into the duffel bag. “Let’s have one last meal before I have to leave.”

Soon enough, it was time for me to leave, and we exchanged hugs and tearful promises before I closed the door behind me.

I arrived right at ten o’clock, standing outside the cemetery in the chilly air, wishing I had thought to grab a scarf. Glancing at my phone, I realized it had only been ten minutes and that they were late. When I looked back up, there was still no sign of them.

“Boo,” someone whispered right next to my ear. I jumped and yelped, turning around with my hand ready to punch them. My fist was caught by a dark-haired guy about my age, his blue eyes glinting mischieviously.

“What the hell!” I yelled.

“Keep your voice down,” a girl said. Turning my eyes to her, I gave her a once over. She was dressed like me, black from head to toe with a leather jacket. But where I was wearing only a tank top under my leather jacket, I could see the light bouncing off of something hard. I shrugged before looking at her face, with eyes ringed in eyeliner and her straight black hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, and I knew she’d be a force to reckon with.

“Well, since these idiots are too stupid to introduce themselves, my name is Jake,” a third guy said. He was brunette as well, but whereas the other guy had messy curls falling over his forehead, his was styled away from his face in a tousled fashion. He was wearing all black too, but without a jacket so I could see what was clearly armor covering his chest. He had a sword in one hand and a bow across his back, looking very much like a tough guy if his massive muscles were anything to judge by.

“I’m Kaliel,” I said, raising one hand in a wave.


“Buttface.” We all turned to give the jokester a look and he laughed. “Alright, alright, it’s Adam.”

“Well should we get started?” Jake asked.

I nodded but was interrupted when Mia held up a hand to stop us from taking a step. “The girl needs some armor if she wants to survive,” she said. Jake gave her a look before saying something.

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