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Magic is real, so is creatures we now call mythical and ancient.

It shouldn't be a surprise. Demons, ghouls, angels, goblins and whatever else you find in history articles. There were reason information of them existed, and other species were too far back extinct or have mutated to even be recorded.

Majority of creatures who thrived with magic in their veins were able to exist, as long as a large portion of humanity believed in them. Acknowledging them as powerful creatures humankind had realised were their source and fuel of magic. It appeared that they caught on, slowly and gradually. And decided to not unleash such truths upon generations and future generations.

Their believers eventually decreasing, there weren't many to continue carrying their tales and magic within them flickered like a candle flame. Hence, they've faded into the background of history.

Magic wasn't as fun and thrilling, it was far from the wholesome fairy tales in children's books. Magic felt like a chore and a job.

Especially for Satan.

The King of the underworld and the second only creature who's been able to survive all through these centuries. The other being heaven and the angels, surprisingly people were so religiously devoted to the useless bastard above.

And him? They merely slandered his name and blamed him for things he had no business in. That was the only reason he still roamed around with his business. A business run by demons, granting wishes and taking things in return. Collecting contracts that had been made from past family's ancestors. It wasn't any different as buying something with your pocket money.

During the 1600s, creatures and humans thrived together on Earth. It was the peak of the moment where magic was all humans could think of. Drown in. Giving up unthinkable things to demons in exchange of power and wealth.

So when the Chan family decided they've had enough of their poverty stricken lives, it was the most probable thing to do. The passerby merchant didn't show any expression of curiosity nor surprise when he sold Mr. Chan's oddly specific ingredients for the summoning he was going to perform.

The summoning to make a deal with the demon required precision and faith.

”Do you think this is a bad idea?” Mrs. Chan had hesitated at first, her eyes flickering down to the large bag he had dragged in then back up to his face. “What if something went wrong?”

They had their doubts but that didn't stop them. Once they had drawn the circle and the prints began to glow, they knew that their summoning had worked.

But what they did not expect was Satan himself. In the middle of the glowing circle he stood, gazing down at their physiques.

“What is it you want?” He inquired, his voice was low and smooth.

Mr. Chan glanced back at his wife besides him then back at Satan, gulping. “W-wealth, sir.”

Satan looked at the two, not surprised. “Very well, I shall grant you all the wealth you can think of. But, what will I receive from you in return?”

Mrs. Chan took a few hesitant steps forward, raising her hands where a bundle laid. She was carrying an infant in her arms, wrapped in old cloth and rags.

“The only thing we have to offer,” Mrs. Chan started, looking down at her child. “Is our ten day old baby Ji-Ah.”

Satan glanced down at the small bundle, a fragile head popped out at the very top. Her eyes were semi opened and he was able to catch a glimpse of something in her eyes. It intrigued him. He held out his hands, picked the child from Mrs. Chan's arms and held it in his own.

The infant looked up at him, it's eyes glossy and delicate. “Go. This child belongs to me. Enjoy the wealth you so desperately want. When this child is of age and dies, she will become my bride.”

He couldn't help smile a bit, looking down at the little girl who wrapped her while palm around his finger. He handed the baby back and disappeared without a second thought.

Everything went well for the Chans. For a whole two years, they lived greedily and selfishly. Paying little to no attention to the little girl they housed. It was after those two full years when Satan himself raged havoc on the entire village. Destroying buildings and people, setting everything in flames.

The Chans were on their knees, begging for their lives to be spared. Begging for a second chance. Telling him they'll give him anything else that he wanted. But it was of no use, Satan laughed so hard it shuddered the ground.

“I gave you wealth but you abused it. Look at your child, you've neglected her. My bride, you ill-treated her. How dare you!”

Tortured screams of agony erupted from their throats, as he set up on fire. Allowing them to suffer and die on their own. He picked up the child who laid unconscious in her cot and transported them both into another era.

The 2000s.

Appearing before a house with a freshly mowed lawn. He walked up and placed her down on the doorsteps of the Kim Family. Hoping for the best that may come. He spared her one last, longing look before disappearing.

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Big shout out to my lovely

wineisredder for helping me with this story

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