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They were now both sixteen and trying to figure out what to do in their approaching future. They sat next to the Han River, looking at the afternoon sun together after a long school day. Somang had always known her interests and the intense passion she felt for it and decided to share it in the moment.

"A writer..." Somang found herself mumbling.

San raised an eyebrow, unable to hear her incoherent words so he leaned a bit closer. "What's that?"

She took in a deep breath and looked at the river water that reflected the golden hue of the sun. "I want to be a writer."

San didn't make any sound and stared at her until she finally tore her eyes from the river and met his gaze. That was his que to burst out in laughter, wheezing and saying inbetween stolen breaths.

"You? A writer? Really?"

Somang blushed out of embarrassment before nudging him in the gut with her elbow. "I'm really good at it." She tried again.

"Oh please, I doubt it," San chuckled in a teasing manner. "I've never once witnessed any of your writing!"

Taking it as her chance, Somang ruffled through her bag and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. She handed it to him and watched as he reluctantly took it from her before opening it.

It was a little poem she had conjured up.

As he read through it, his eyes began to widen as he realised the poem she had written spoke about a guardian angel who has been there, all her life. That whenever she opens her eyes, she could feel him. The guardian angel's presence. And whenever she closes her eyes, she knew he's still there.

She could only see a shadow that was almost translucent but never once knew what it was. She was just generally happy to have someone by her side where she wouldn't feel completely alone. San couldn't help but tear up a bit and before he could hide the evidence, she had caught her and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a delicate voice.

"It's beautiful," San admitted, using the back of his palm to wipe his eyes dry. "I've never read anything like this."

Little did she know, the real reason behind his tears. Was that he, was the guardian angel she so endearingly spoke of.

"Have you ever seen this guardian angel besides the shadows?" San asked.

"No, I haven't." She replied, solemnly.

"What do you think this guardian angel would look like?" San found himself saying, curiosity biting at him as he gently fiddled with the poem in his hand.

"Hmm," Somang took a deep, thoughtful breath. A small smile enticing her lips. "Beautiful purple wings."

San couldn't help but snort at this. "Angels don't have purple wings."

That didn't drop her smile and she pushed onwards. "But my guardian angel does since it's my favourite colour. He had purple wings, he's gorgeous, pale as the moonlight and has black hair. A little something like your hairstyle, not too long and not too short. Just medium. Like a little Mohawk with the front falling in the eyes. I wish he would turn up to me one day, I would love to see him. And thank him for guiding me."

San had a smile plastered onto his face all the while Somang explained her ideal guardian angel. "Maybe your dream will come true. Just believe."

Later that night, before she fell deep into sleep she heard the flapping of wings. It could've been any random bird but this sound was loud, as if bigger wings were twirling the wind outside her window. That drove Somang out of bed, half asleep and went to check it out.

Somang found her breath stuck in her throat. An angel, as she had described in detail was outside. His purple wings spread out with skin as pale as moonlight. Black raven hair in a Mohawk style with the front ends falling into her face. He looked so ethereal that she just couldn't believe her eyes.

She refused to believe it, wondering whether it could've been her hallucinating after speaking and thinking of him so much that day. Even through, she spent the next two hours talking to her purple-winged angel. The angel plucked out a singular feather from his wing and attached it to a chain. He placed it onto her bedside and smiled.

"Whenever you feel alone or hurt, make a wish on that feather." He had told her.

When she awoke the next morning, she was so excited to know it was true when she saw the feather necklace on her bedside. She couldn't wait to tell San at school and began to get dressed earlier than usual. Just as she went downstairs, her parents' voice hollered for her to enter their study. She refused to let them dampen her mood and continued to smile brightly even as she sat down in front of them.

"Somang, you won't be attending college after you finish highschool." Her mother announced, not even daring to glance at the girl while she busied herself on the laptop.

"What?" Somang spluttered out. "Why not?"

"You're to be married off to the Lee's." Her father continued, shifting through paperwork.

Somang couldn't find her voice and just stared at them, stunned. She didn't think of protesting because she knew better than that. She smiled and nodded, her heart hammering against her ribcage.

"I see," Somang said as she got up and slung her school bag over her shoulder. "I'm off to school now. Have a good day, Eomma and Appa."

She walked out the study and out of the house, the tears blurring her sight as she made her way to school.

San caught sight of her from afar and waved her over, expecting to hear her tell him all about last night's event. But once she got closer, he saw the red and puffiness of her eyes. He immediately knew something was wrong.

She did tell him about the angel although less enthusiastic as he expected. And she withheld the information about her marriage proposal from him. Curious as to what was bothering her, San decided to do something he normally would never do. Looking into her mind.

And it had shocked him, how her parents had arranged this marriage to the Lee's. Little did she know the real reason behind the marriage was that they sold her to the Lee's, in order to save the company.

San didn't have much say in it but he wished that she would be able to be happy. And if she doesn't then he'll stay by her side, he never wanted to see her smile drop.

Because he was falling in love with Somang.

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Big shout out to my lovely

wineisredder for helping me with this story

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