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Special update for my lovely inky_jin

San held the annual meeting of the underworld in order to keep peace between the supernatural, negotiate about matters and sometimes discuss about the arising problems. All in all, everything was fancy and ended with dinner.

Despite it being a meeting of importance, it doesn't appear so and looks like a lavish event instead because majority of the supernaturals had human partners and they refused to involve them in these matters. So with subtle discussions, the event proceeded.

It was held two weeks after San personally invited Somang and the whole family. They had all arrived with fancy clothing and mingled with others. Woozi had brought another person along with them, the same blonde girlfriend from before.

Somang tailed behind them all a few steps behind Woozi and his girlfriend, keeping her distance. Once or twice Somang found herself slowing down her pace to gaze at the beautiful mansion they entered and the intricate exterior.

"Stop lagging behind." Woozi's mother snapped at her, frowning at Somang from over her shoulder before turning around.

Somang pursed her lips and sped up her pace. Woozi had immediately found a friend that he began to talk to, leaving Somang to shift from one leg to another as she fakely smiled. This 'friend' of Woozi's took notice of her presence and gestured towards her with a hand that held a glass of champagne.

"And this is...?" He inquired, politely.

"Ah," Woozi's smile twitched when he glanced back at Somang and was about to respond when his mother cut in.

"She's a freeloader, don't mind her, Jeonghan," She said, waving a hand by her face as if swatting away a fly. "You know how we're so generous, we even allow these types of things to stick around."

The blonde boy's expression flickered at the reply and his eyes shifted to Somang, a flash of sympathy flashed in his eyes. Somang knew that this stranger was a kind person but she couldn't help but feel the crept of embarrassment gawn at her. Jeonghan spoke a few more words before leaving to join his partner that he arrived with, who was in a livid conversation with another person.

"Don't look so stupid," Woozi's blonde girlfriend sneered. "You're pitiful to even strangers."

Somang didn't respond but her hands kept fidgeting with the material of her dress, at her sides. She gazed around the gigantic hall that could basically be used as a ballroom before finally making eye contact with a certain warm toned eyes.

When San immediately spotted her, he brushed past the guest he was in mid-conversation with and made his way towards her. Somang hadn't even realise that the people she was tailing behind had moved further away from her to speak to someone else which gave her the perfect opening to greet San.

"You're here," San began, gazing down at the youth with a soft smile. He extended his elbow to Somang and gestured with a small movement of his head. "Come, I wanna show you around."

Somang wrapped her hand around his forearm and without hesitation walked with him, side by side. The two received curious glances by passersby but none were stupid enough to straightforwardly question the relationship between the two.

San told her about some of the business people that were here and even introduced her to Wooyoung and Seonghwa who exchanged pleasant smiles. They joked and walked around and at this point, Somang had completely forgotten who she had come with and the suffocating restriction that was put on her.

In this moment she only knew herself and San.

That is until Woozi could no longer stand by and watch, seething and sour like vinegar, he managed to call her to his side. Somang's smile dropped and she merely gave San a apologetic look before leaving his side.

San and Woozi exchanged a look that spoke of countless wordless sentences.

Dinner soon arrived and it was served in the next big hall that was the same size as the last, only difference was that the porcelain floor now held numerous long rectangular tables filling the area. Everyone had taken their seats and after San had made a greeting and toast, they began to dig in.

Somang sat next to Woozi while his mother said to her left and his girlfriend sat on the other side of him. She was trapped into a box and could only stab at her steak on her plate with vague aggression.

At times, Woozi leaned near her ear and spoke on how she should change her posture. How she should chew. What to say when someone asked her a question. How to smile instead of answering other questions.

It continued like this until the dessert part where Somang was asked to pass the salad bowl. Woozi had moved closer to her ear to whisper another set of instructions but his hot breath caused Somang to flinch uncomfortably which ended up with the salad bowl slipping from her grasp. It landed at the edge of the table but it wasn't enough room to balance so it tipped and hit the floor.

The shattering sound echoing through the large hall. Everyone glanced over and silence enveloped them. Woozi felt the tips of his ears burning hotter than Somang's before he abruptly stood, and grabbed her arm to pull her up.

"Just gonna help her clean her dress, sorry for the mess." Woozi spoke calmly before escorting Somang out.

Woozi's mother forced a smile on her dark red lips and excused herself to follow closely behind the two. Everyone went back to eating and chatting as a few servants came to clean up the mess. But San's narrowed and indifferent gaze didn't move from where the three exited.

San waited for a few minutes for them to return and as the seconds went by he knew nothing good would ever come out from Somang being alone with that sorcerer and witch. Excusing himself from the table, San immediately turned himself invisible after he left the hall. He followed the sorcerer's stench and made his way to the rooms that were allocated for some of the guests that were gonna stay over.

He slips inside the dimly lit room and freezes at the sight of a helpless human. Her limbs were bound to the wooden chair with the help of a sorcerer's specialised shackles. Her head hung downwards and with that posture it made her hair cascade both sides of her face like a curtain. But San could still make out the line of fresh blood that oozed out of her bust lip.

San felt his breathing get uneven and his sight became unclear at times. Let's not mention the fact that his thoughts were completely blanked out at the sight of Woozi and the witch.

"I can't believe I let such a useless vessel get married to my son," Woozi's mother slapped Somang across the face, pulling her head back by her hair to get a good look at the damages she inflicted. "Get this in your head girl, the only reason you're even in our presence is because of the company."

"Move aside, mother," Woozi stated, walking casually towards Somang who watched him with half lidded eyes. "I believe she'll finally understand if we carve it into her skin, flesh and bone marrow. Until it's inevitably engraved in her soul."

Despite the dim lighting, San catches the bright metal glint of something in the sorcerer's grasp. That was the final straw to San's patience and he blows it.


The whole mansion exploded in milliseconds and crumbled to the ground, causing debris to hurt the other innocent people inside along with bringing down this sorcerer and witch. Somang was the only one safe from the wreckage alongside a red hued Satan.

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Big shout out to my lovely

wineisredder for helping me with this story

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