Cesar Pompeii

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My name is Cesar Pompeii. I'm just your average teenage heartthrob. I wouldn't consider myself as 'Hot' as people say. Although, I wouldn't consider not sleeping with myself..

As you can guess by my name, I was born in Italy. Mantova, AKA Mantua, Italy to be exact. Some may recognize the town from the wonderful tragedy, Romeo and Juliet; Written by none other than the famous, William Shakespeare himself.

My eldest sister, Rosalyn, would call me Romeo when we were younger. She claimed that someday, I'd find a woman to call my lovely, Juliet. Believe it or not, that claim has not been successful, considering my current relationship status; single.

Enough about my childhood, as much as I would love to brag about my amazing rich life that no longer exists, I can't. Obviously, because it doesn't exist anymore.

I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania now. My rich Italian lifestyle got switched around after my father decided to move out here to expand business. His plan succeeded, don't get me wrong. Although, he divorced my mother a year ago. He packed everything he's ever bought. Leaving us with a couple thousand dollars to start off a new life.

No more could I wake up to fette biscottate. Instead I was awakened by a McDonald's breakfast combo that consisted of 2 flimsy cakes, a side of eggs, and sometimes two bacon strips along with it.

I'm not saying that I dreaded my weath-less-life. If anything, I'd say that the experience opened my eyes to the real true meaning behind my family.

For starters, when my father left my mother and I, my sister Rosalyn tagged along with him. I remember wondering why she wanted to leave mother alone.

"She's not fit to keep up with us, Cesar. She's broke now, since father took the money." Rosalyn said the evening before her and father flew back to Italy. She wanted to influence me in going, but I refused.

"Ma, che sei grullo?!" I replied, fustrated. I couldn't believe she wanted to leave our mom stranded here in America, alone. As I questioned her desision, I stood in fustration and made my way towards my room door, tempted to go back and drag her by her oily hair. Slapping her cold hearted face, while repeatedly asking 'What is happening to our family?!'

We were waiting for a limo to pick up Rosaly and the remander of her things before she busted in here. I had been listening to sweet, low mellow tunes while reading a book, laid across my bed, when she entered. I had placed the hard covered book down beside me, Sitting up to meet with her, as she sat on my bed.

"Why would you want to leave her here?!" I shouted, my forehead now resting on my roomdoor. Which was in fact, shut.

My temper has always been hard to control. The reason for that, would have remained unknown at the time.

"Like I said Cesar, she's not fi-." She started in a soft voice that slightly rose in annoyance at every word.

Aggrevated by her choice of words, I slam my fist into the wall. Interrupting her sentence and quickly turning to face her. I feel my face getting warmer as my anger builds up.

"How dare you say that the woman that raised you since birth, is no 'fit'! She's more fit than he'll ever be, I assure you of that!"

"But, Cesar." She said, standing from my bed. She creepilly walked closer towards me.

I continued to vent. "What will he do that's so perfect for you?! What will he provide for you, that she herself hasn't?! Nothing but a tall mansion and a Porca Miseria that won't give two merdas about you!"

"Cesar, calm down! My decision is my decision. Mom has done things that will shock you Cesar. Why do you think dad's leaving her? This has nothing to do with the stupid business." She replied cockilly.

I remember my eyes widening at her words. Before I could speak, my father called down for Rosalyn. "Don't leave us waiting!" He shouted from below.

Rosalyn and I stood there in silence.

"I love you, Cesar. See you soon." She said softly, walking pass my frozen stature.


That was the last time I saw my sister.

I wish I could go back. Before I rejected the offer. I would have told myself to go. To not think, just go...

It would have been better that way. If I had left with Rosalyn, there's a chance that my mother would still be here on earth.

My name is Cesar. Cesar Pompeii, like the famous award winning film "Pompeii". I lived in Mantua, Italy till I was 16. Then moved to Pennsylvania... My mother is dead...

Little did you know, I killed her.

Here's my story.

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