Chapter 3

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"Alright, thank you for stopping by, Kendall. Have a very nice day." Ceasar's mother says, walking Kendall through the front door.

Kendall didn't say a word. The image of Ceasar's bruises remained imprinted in her mind as she left.

* * *


"Hey, get up." My mother demands as she bursts into my room.

I lower the blanket that covered my face to catch a glimpse of my mother standing in my doorway, hands on her hips. A smirk can't help but spread across my face as I sit up, the blanket still covering the scars on my stomach.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks, fustrated.

"So now you seem to care." I reply.

"Ceasar. I've been caring ever since I saw you walking up those stairs the other night covered in blood, dirt, and sweat. Now tell me what happened." She demands, folding her arms.

"You know what happened." I reply, getting frustrated.

She swiftly walks towards me, taking a seat on my bed, next to me. She grips onto the blanket that covered my stomach, glaring me in the eye. I hold on tightly to the cover, not wanting her to witness what's underneath.

"Ceasar. Let me remove this blanket and witness the wounds you showed that girl." She demands, shooting daggers into my eyes.

I sigh and loosen my grip on the blanket, allowing her to yank the cloth away from my body.

She inspects my scars before looking back at me.

"What the hell were you thinking? Why didn't you ask for my help? This is a mess, it would've been smarter to have just leave what he actually did to you and scar up your face a little bit." She says. "How the hell do you expect the police to not think of you as the reason this guy went awol? Once they try to interview you and see your scars they'll probably sit you in the waiting cell and inspect our house!" She lectures.

Tears begin to form in my eyes," I don't know, mom. I was going to let you know but I wanted to do this one by myself." I whine, covering my face with my hands, feeling ashamed.

"Well you're not ready." She says quietly, looking back at my wounds.

Anger forms in me as her words float around in my head. I slowly remove my hands from my face.

"I am ready. I did this all by myself." I say through gritted teeth.

Her face quickly turns to face me, her eyes staring wide at me. All of a sudden a sharp pain rushes from my cheek through my nerves, followed by a loud; smack!

" You are not ready. Don't you ever talk back to me unless I ask you a question." She demands, pointing her finger at me.

I slowly turn back to face her, the left side of my face stinging as I do so.

" Now, where did you put the body?" She asks, calmly as if nothing had just happened.

" In the backyard. I didn't know where else to put him." I reply, rubbing my sore cheek.

"Amateur. I should've known you did that." She replies, standing from my bed.

"Don't worry, I'll get rid of him, just get up, and get dressed. " She says, before heading for my room door.

She pauses, her hand on the door knob.

"Don't do this again. This was a very sloppy job and you were careless. The police will question your scars especially since, I'm assuming, you were obviously in a reckless confrontation with him the night he, so called, disapeared. I hope within the next couple of hours or so you can come up with a story." She says faintly before exiting my room.

The Untold Story of Ceasar PompeiiWhere stories live. Discover now