Chapter 6

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Dream's Pov:

I woke up and brought George closer to my chest, it honestly made me incredibly happy to wake up next to him. I couldn't remove my eyes off of sleeping brunette, he looked pretty as always, his face calm.

I sighed, sapnap is right i do like him a lot. Admitting my feelings to myself doesn't mean i am not scared though, i am not sure of what to do. I don't want to ruin whatever it is that we have, having him in my life makes me feel happy and less lonely.

What if he doesn't want to be my boyfriend?! What if he hates me after i come clean to him about my feelings?! What if he never wanted to see me ever again?! I can't just let that happen it would break me.

I have thought about telling him so many times, going through different scenarios of what could happen if i told him. No matter how good i imagined some of them i was still scared shirtless of ones that would go wrong.

Not telling him seems bit safer option for now, it's hard to be around him when i am scared of ruining everything we have. Keeping some distance from him would be hard but it could possibly help me get over my feelings for him, i know sapnap says he likes me back but I can't take the risks, he is too important for me to loose.

My thoughts got interrupted by George's body slightly moving. He brought his hand up to his face and rubbed sleepiness from his eyes. I could never get enough of him, it was awful that I always wanted to be with him, listen to him, watch him just anything that involves him.

George snuggled closer to my chest as he mumbled quick 'good morning' to me.

"Good morning to you too" I fought the urge to pet his ears. I know he loves it when i pet them and it makes me happy doing something that he loves but i just have to stick with my plan and keep my distance so he won't want to leave me.

"Are you alright?" He looked up at me with most adorable eyes i have ever seen, he probably is concerned about me acting bit off today. But its for the best.

"Yeah 'm fine" I quickly respond. He puts his head back on my chest. I sigh. It will be very hard to het over my feelings. 

"Could you move a bit i need to get up" as soon as i said that he sat up letting me get off of bed. Before i went to bathroom i saw his hurt expression, i felt my heart stung a bit. i have to keep it this way though, to keep both mine and his feelings away from getting hurt.

Sapnap Pov:

I see George coming downstairs in the living room. I woke up earlier than both of them, so when i checked their room i saw them both cuddling, George having his tail wrapped around dreams leg as usual. I know its just a matter of time before they get together and honestly i am exited for that. Dream deserves someone like George. I haven't known George for that long, but he seems to be making dream happy so therefore i am happy.

George plopped down on the sofa, he seems a bit off?

"George buddy what's wrong?" I question hoping to get answer.

"It's just..." he sighs "... forget about it. Its nothing"  he turns to the TV as he starts fidgeting with his tail.

I don't push it any further, making him uncomfortable is least i want right now.  I heard dream coming downstairs. George immediately looked up at him with hope in his eyes, seemed like he was expecting something back, any sort of attention. Dream just avoided looking at him, that seemed to make George sad?! Whatever is happening between them, they have to fix it.

Third person Pov:

Dream went in the kitchen and sapnap followed him.
"Everything alright man?" Sapnap put his hand on dreams shoulder.

"Yeah,why?" Dream looked confused.

"George seems bit sad anything happened yesterday?" Sapnap shrugged

"No nothing" Dream didn't want to tell sapnap about his plan of getting over his feelings.

"Alright whatever you say, my mom called by the way she needs me back home in two days" sapnap said as he got himself a bowl, cereal and milk.

"We should do something today then" dream cheered

"What if we do cooking stream? We can put camera so your face isn't in frame" sapnap suggested

"That's cool yeah, fans will love in real life content" dream smiled

"We should start setting stuff up" sapnap said

"Yeah and we need to go grocery shopping too and get ingredients for the stream" Dream reminded.

"Alright you go grocery shopping and i will get the setup ready, also take George with you he will be bored while i do this" sapnap said while chewing his cereal.

Dream sighed, it wasn't that he didn't want George with him but he just wanted more space so his feelings would leave.

As dream entered the living room he saw George having his tail wrapped around patches who was sleeping next to him. It was very cute sight.

"George get ready we are going grocery shopping" dream said as he started walking up the stairs.

George's eyes lit up he was happy he could do something with dream after whatever has been going on whole morning. George noticed how dream didn't call him 'Georgie' this time but he said nothing about it. He was trying his best to stop himself from overthinking.

They got ready and dream and sapnap picked what they were going to cook. After writing down the ingredients they had to buy dream and George got in car and started driving.

The whole ride George kept glancing over dream, but dream just kept his eyes on the road. George decided that he was just overthinking things and decided to hold dreams hand. They have done it couple of times before so it was nothing new right?

George grabbed dreams hand and interlocked their fingers. Dream looked down at their hands before looking back up. He smiled to himself before quickly remembering his whole plan of 'getting over his feelings' and he took his hand back to the wheel.

George tried holding his tears in, he felt so heartbroken. Yesterday everything was fine and now dream is acting like a whole new person.

Once they got to the grocery store dream walked around grabbing things that were in his grocery list. George just followed him behind like a puppy, he got no attention at all and it felt weird. He started to think dream was getting sick of him.

Once they finished shopping for groceries and got home sapnap had already finished setting up the setup all they had to do was unpack the groceries and go live.


This chapter is kinda boring ik but stuff will get good real quick
Next chapter will be out in about 3-4 days and it will be a longer one.
Thanks to whoever is reading this<3

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