Chapter 33

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3 years later:

Third person pov:

"YOU SHITHEAD" sapnap yelled loudly

"I didnt mean too" Dream and George burst out laughing at karls attempt to calm his boyfriend down

"Oh so you didnt mean to put red and black dye in my hair" sapnap was furious, while he was sleeping the other three dyed his hair

"I mean it suits you" karl smiled, it really dod suit him

"Oh" sapnap said as he checked himself out in the mirror

"Okay yeah i like it" he smiled and kissed his boyfriend

All four of them bought a bigger house and moved in together, Raven would visit here and there, he was always welcomed and had his own room in the house.

"Lets get the BBQ ready" dream said as he went over to the grill

Raven was visiting today and they were all going to have a nice BBQ evening

"Cant wait to put this in my mouth" George said looking over

"Are you talking about the steak or your dream's dick" karl asked

"KARL" George yelled as he blushed

"Im sure he was referring to both" sapnap teased

"I hate both of you" George grumbled

Few hours later Raven came and they all talked while dream cooked on the grill.

"All done" he said walking over with cooked meat

Karl and George got the buns and started making burgers with the pattys

All of them have been happiest for a while now. Dream and George want to adopt a kid and raise her together. Karl and sapnap are excited to help them out with the kid. Raven got the honour to be the godfather.

Everything was going well and nothing couldve ruined it.




Sorry had to end it so quickly but my studies will start soon and I thought it would be better to end it like this than make u guys wait a year.

Im glad to have readers like you guys❤️

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