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ONE | 1——————————september 1 1993 | wednesday

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ONE | 1
september 1 1993 | wednesday

elizabeth rose was the kindest girl anyone has ever met. some people would say when she would walk the halls, roses would follow behind her or time would stop when she entered a room.

people would admire her kindness to others. she would help first year get to class or made sure no one was being bullied.

she also didn't care about your house or blood status, it was more about personality for her. she was friends with anyone and everyone, which made her fairly popular.

she was attractive without ever trying to be, which made the boys stare at her from day to night. her brother and best friend would get very protective over liz which was understanding to her.

at the moment, liz was packing her suitcase for her new school year. it would take her a lot of time to decide what to bring with her, which would be the cause of her family being late for the train every year.

her brother always told her to pack the night before, but she always reply with a 'i'll do it later' which never happened.

little did liz know, her family were already waiting downstairs, packed in all. that didn't make her go any faster as she was still debating on bring a pink shirt.

her brother does have a lot of patience so he yelled for her to hurry on. ten minutes go by. finally elizabeth was finished and downstairs facing her family.

"finally.. the princess is done, now can we go" her brother groaned with annoyance.

"sorry i just.. couldn't decide what to bring ... again" she giggled.

"that doesn't matter now, at least you're ready. come on roses. let's go" her father, zachary explained. her family stepped out of the home with suitcases full of their kids stuff.

the diggory's were just finished loading their sons bags into their muggle car. elizabeth quickly spots him and makes her way to him.

"cedric diggory.. is that you?" the brunette questioned jokingly with a innocent smile. her friend looked up, at seeing her, he smiled happily. her parents had also made their way to the boys parents for a conversation and her siblings were packing their bag into their muggle mobile.

"it is. who may this young lady be?" he replied, playing along in her joke.

"it is i, elizabeth olivia rose. at your service" she bowed giggling. her giggle always made the young boy smile even wider. "are you excited for another amazing year"

"indeed i am. how 'bout you?" he asked. as the girl started to ramble about missing her friends, cedric was only thinking about how he might finally come clean to his love for her although there is always a voice in the back of his head, telling him to never spill anything about his feeling otherwise he will break up their friendship forever.

he also was admiring her outfit of choice, which was just some blue flare jeans and his hoodie. he didn't notice that she was wearing his clothes before and now was red in the face and very nervous.

"ced, you ok. you're gone very red. do you feel hot? could it be a fever?" lizzie proceeded to feel cedric's head for a fever which made the boy even more flustered.

" good. don't worry. i feel perfectly..fine" he gently moved her hands off of his cheeks which were redder than ever as he tried to control his nervousness.

the girl was about to ask questions until her mother spoke up. "elizabeth do you mind riding with the diggory's to the train?" her mother asked. the roses car had only 5 seats, which was the reason for the question. lizzie had gone with them last year, when her younger brother started hogwarts and she was really happy about it, more time with her bestie she says.

"of course, i don't mind at all" her daughter smiled happily which made the young boy beside her even more happy.

"oh thanks honey" the older woman looked that at her watch on her wrist to see that it was ten o'clock already and panicked because she didn't want her kids being late for the train."oh dear, it's already ten o'clock. we must be going. elizabeth, honey be good for the diggorys ok?"

"of course ella, she always is. we'll be right behind you guys on the road" gianna explained as she, her husband, her son and his friend got into their muggle vehicle. 

the kids in the back seat of the diggory's car, talked the whole drive to the kings cross station. it didn't take long to get there which meant they had lots of time to actually get on the train.

after an emotional goodbye, the five wizards and witches walked on the train. johnny had gone to find his friends, kat had ran into herimone and had left shortly after. liz, grayson and cedric had found on empty compartment to stay in.

gray usually goes to find his friends when the train starts to move and liz's friends would find there way to their compartment after the train leaves the station.


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