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NINE | 9——————————september 2 1993 | thursday

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NINE | 9
september 2 1993 | thursday

grayson rose always needed to know whenever his sister's had boyfriends. the two always thought it was because he was so nosey and if you asked him, that's exactly what he'd say. but why he actually needs to know is because he doesn't want to see his sisters get broken hearted again.

lizzie left her brother in the gryffindor common room two minutes ago and was now standing in her sisters dorm, helping her change. "why do i have to change out of my uniform? that's a lot of work"

"because i want you in something comfortable. here, you love the sweater molly made you" the older one spoke, while handing the younger one her sweater. kate sighed angrily, putting the pink coloured sweater with a big k on it, over her head.

molly weasley loves to knit sweaters for her children and their friends. lizzie got her first one for her birthday in her second year because she complained to the twins that the only sweaters she has, were her hufflepuff ones. so they asked their mother to knit their friend one.  since then, lizzie has gotten one from molly every year on her birthday, like a little tradition.

"great. now, lets go" lizzie smiled, grabbing harry's invisibility cloak and her sisters hand as they walk out of her dorm. "yah! now, can you tell me what we're doing? and why you have harry's cloak?

"you ask a lot of questions kat. now, can you be patient?" her sister commented.

the shorter one frowned. "no, that's a hufflepuff trait, not a gryffindor one" lizzie just rolled her eyes at her playfully with a giggle as they were now walking out of the gryffindor common room. they didn't make it far though because cedric was walking up the stairs, in front of them.

"lizzie! there you are." cedric waved as he caught up to them, standing in front of lizzie and kat. he had be looking for lizzie for about twenty minutes. she had told the group after class that she had an idea to cheer up her sister after the prank. cedric had checked the hufflepuff common room and their dorms but in the end, thought she had to be in her sisters dorm.

"ced. what are you doing here?" lizzie raised her eyebrows. "i didn't know where you ran of to so, i came to find you, to make sure you were ok"

"aww -" katherine started but her sister interrupted. "kat, why don't you keep walking?"

"what? where? i literally don't know where we're going?" kat groaned, throwing her arms in the air.

"just, go straight down the stairs" she pushed her sister along. she signed angrily as she walked down the stairs. lizzie turned back to face her friend.

"that's lovely of you cedric but i'm perfectly fine. just.." she glazed down to make sure kat was out of sight. "... bringing kat to get cora and rosa" she smiled.

"oh yeah. you said you had a plan to cheer her up" the taller one thought, putting his hands in his pockets.

"yeah. i thought of doing a cousins day, like we used to do when we were kids. she always loved those" lizzie giggled, excitedly. she loves to do nice things for people, especially for people she loves. once, when diego was upset about failing an exam, they spent the whole day watching his favourite movies in her dorm.

"that's really nice of you lizzie. you always know how to cheer people up" cedric smiled widely, glazing at his friends eyes. he always loves looking into them when they're talking.

"thank you ced" she stared back, melting at the compliment, like she always does. he loves when lizzie's cheeks turn red whenever she gets a compliment. the pair stare at each other for what fells like forever. lizzie starts to get a feeling in her stomach that she's never felt before. but it was one cedric has felt for a long time.

"lizzie! i'm losing the will to live" a voice broke their moment. kat was at the bottom of the stairs, waiting very impatiently.

"sorry ced, i've gotta go" she signed, leaning to kiss him on the cheek, which caused cedric to turn very red. thankfully, she didn't see that. he turns around to watch her and kat start to walk towards the slytherin common room. a voice in the back of his head told him to follow you.  "hey! wait up"

cedric shouted, running to catch up with his friend. "everything alright?" lizzie turned after hearing his voice, very confused. "yeah. just, you might need some help"

"need help?" lizzie raised her eyebrows at him.

cedric rolls his eyes playfully, gesturing so he can whisper to lizzie. he leans down as she brings her ear to him. she can feel his hot breath on her skin, giving her goosebumps. "getting into the common room, i can like, make sure the coast is clear"

her face changed to one of understanding. "oh yeah. thank you ced"

"i am very confused" kat confessed, her hands on her hips. "doesn't matter. come on kat, lets go" her sister replied, grabbing her hand. the three wizards and witches walk for about ten minutes, until the make it to the slytherin common room. they wait around the corner, to make sure they does get seen by one slytherins "ok, what the hell are we doing here lads?"

"shh kat" lizzie interrupted her. herself and cedric glaze over the corner at the door of the common room."ok, i hope you have the passwords to get in" he signed.

"yeah of course. got it off of cora" she stated. lizzie had used her owl, snow, to letter cora, for the password and about her plan, of course. "ok. no one is coming, put harry's cloak on"

"ok. and thanks again ced for coming with us. i bet you have better things to be doing" lizzie thanked. "oh no, its ok" little did she know, he didn't have better things to be doing. all he wanted to do was hang out with her.

lizzie and her sister throw the invisibility cloak over them and start to walk over to the door, very slowly, making sure not to get seen. once at the entrance, lizzie looks around and pulls the cloak off her head and utters the password. "pure-blood"

"wow, i'm not surprised" the gryffindor frowned as the pair step into the common room.


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