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News quickly spread about Emma and Mary Margaret's return.

Scarlett walks into Granny's diner with her dog by her side.

Everyone in the diner stops and stares.

Nobody has seen her for weeks. She's been MIA since Mary and Emma got sucked into the portal.

As Scarlett shocks the diners, she orders a cup of coffee and takes a seat in the booth across from Emma. The blonde looks up at her strangely as she sets down her newspaper.

" Can I help you?" Emma asks with her brows furrowed.

" What happened... in the Enchanted Forest?" Scarlett asks.

Emma pauses. She debates in her head whether or not she should tell Scarlett what happened.

" Well... Cora was there. She had a little island hideaway. We had to fight her to get home... but we won," Emma says.

" And she worked alone?" Scarlett asks.

The brunette holds a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Her mind begs for Emma to tell her exactly what she wants to hear.

Emma looks into Scarlett's green eyes. On one hand, she could tell Scarlett the truth. She could tell Scarlett that she was in the Enchanted Forest with Hook, but that she left him behind. While she has a superpower for lies, she becomes a liar herself.

" Yes... she worked alone. There was no sign of Hook... I'm sorry."

Scarlett's eyes begin to tear up. She sucks in her lips as she looks down at her lap. Before her tears fall. Hook lays his head in Scarlett's lap and licks her arm to keep her happy. Scarlett gets up out of the booth. She walks out of the diner, and back home to the mayor's mansion. As she walks in the door, she sees her mother sitting on the couch.

Scarlett knows that Henry isn't home, otherwise Hook would have immediately run up to his room. Scarlett walks over to her mother, her heeled boots announcing her presence. She crosses her arms over her chest and looks at her mother coldly.

" Now look at what you've done. You cast the curse so we could be happy... and now everyone is happy... all but us."

After Scarlett speaks, she walks back up to her room and slams the door. This pushed Regina over the edge. Regina grabbed a throw pillow from the couch and begins to sob.

All she ever wanted was for her and Scarlett to be happy.

A few days pass. Henry has been with his birth mother and her family more than the family who raised him his whole life. Scarlett still hasn't forgiven her mother, and hasn't very much spoken to her.

One day, there's a murder in town. That off the town shrink. Archie.

Emma and her parents find all the evidence they need. Unfortunately, it all points to the mayor, and Emma is the one who confronts her.

"Ms.Swan. I assume you're here to apologize," Regina says as she answers the door.

" I saw you do it", Emma says.

" What?" Regina asks.

" I saw it. You choked the life out of Archie", Emma says.

" What are you talking about? How is that even possible?" Regina

"Magic", David says.

" I saw what happened, and it was you," Emma says as she points to the mayor.

" Gold. He helped you. You're going to trust him, of all people, when he's probably the one behind this?" Regina asks.

" We didn't trust him. That's why Emma used magic instead", Mary says.

"You can use magic? The Savior. Of course," Regina says ," Well, I can only assume he warned you, then."

" About what?", Emma asks.

" That magic always comes with a price," Regina says.

" Yeah? Well, that's a price we're all gonna pay", Emma says.

" How's that?" Regina asks.

"Henry. He believed in the both of you. His heart's gonna break. That's all our prices," Emma says.

With that, Regina tenses up.

" No. I will not let you poison Henry against me," Regina says.

" It's an interesting word choice, since you already did", Emma says, then begins to walk away.

"I want to see him", Regina says as she follows Emma," He deserves to hear my side of the story! He's my son!".

"He's not! He's mine!", Emma says, " And after this, you're not getting anywhere near him. Do it!".

Mother Superior then comes out from behind the bushes and throws a ball of fairy dust at Regina, who catches it and crushes it with ease.

"Did you really think that was going to work again?" Regina says as she looks at the true love couple, " You... You will not keep my son from me."

The queen uses her powers to blast Emma back into the side walk.

"So much for fairy dust. Maybe some of your newfound magic can save you now."

" I don't need it", Emma says, " I already won. There is no way Henry will swallow your lies about Archie now. You can pretend all you want, but we know how you are and who you will always be... a villain."

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