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Mary Margaret has been in bed for days. David comforts her while Emma thinks it's time to face reality.

Mary Margaret heads to the woods with her bow and arrow while Emma goes to Granny's Inn to see the father of her child.

Neal tells Emma that his fiancée is coming to Storybrooke, and Emma isn't pleased.

" Does she know who you really are and where you're really from?" Emma asks, " Take my advice, don't let her find out on her own. Tell her the truth, tell her everything."

Neal's phone rings, and he goes into his pocket to check the text.

" It's her, she's 10 minutes away, " He says, " Why don't you stay and meet her?"

" I really should be going," Emma says.

" I just think it would be good for you two to talk. I want her to meet the family. I'm gonna ask Scarlett if she can come down to say hi."

With Neal's words, Emma tenses up.

" Scarlett?" She asks, " Y-You met Scarlett."

" Yeah. She was walking her dog out by the docks," Neal says, " What's the big deal? She's my sister?"

" Your sister?" Emma exclaims, " Oh, right... Gold."

Emma shoves her hands into her pockets and bites the inside of her cheek. She's concerned as to how Scarlett could lash out.

Later that day, after Neal's fiancée met Emma and Henry, Neal asks Scarlett to come to Granny's.

" Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Scarlett asks as she puts on her coat.

" I'm sure, love. I'll be here waiting for you to come back," Killian says, then plants a kiss on her lips.

Scarlett puts the leash on Hook, and then the two walk into town to the diner. She opens the door, and Neal greets her as she walks in. He bends down to pet Hook, then guides her over to the booth.

" Scarlett, this is Tamara. Tamara, this is Scarlett... my sister."

Scarlett holds her hand out, and Tamara shakes it while Hook whines.

" I never knew you had a sister," Tamara says.

" Ah, well... we lost touch throughout the years," Neal says.

Scarlett sits down at the booth opposite them, and Hook jumps up to sit next to her, which Tamara finds odd.

" Should a dog really be at the table?" Tamara asks.

" Don't worry, he doesn't bite... hard," Scarlett smirks, " That's a joke, Tamara."

Throughout the dinner, small talk is made. Scarlett and Neal barely know each other, and it doesn't seem like she and Tamara like each other very much.

" So... Henry tells me that you bought him a limited edition comic book for his birthday, " Neal says as he tries to break the tension, " That was very nice of you. Thank you."

" Anything for my little bro--- nephew," Scarlett says, quick to fix her mistake.

Within seconds, the Sheriff walks in through the door. Scarlett's attention turns to the door, and her jaw tightens.


" Excuse me one moment, " Scarlett smiles, " Hook, stay.

Hook obeys, and Scarlett stands up and pulls Emma to the side.

" You lied to me about Killian," Scarlett whispers, " You told me you didn't see him."

" Well... I didn't think he would make it here, " Emma whispers.

" And that's an excuse for not telling me? Why didn't you take him with you?"

" He was working with Cora."

" He's my love!"

Scarlett uses her hand and activates her powers to slowly choke the blonde.

" Now, listen very carefully... you... are on extremely thin ice. You lied to me and kept him from me... Out of respect for Henry... I'll let it slide. But remember... if you ever do anything to cross me ever again... I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do."

Scarlett's words send a shiver down Emma's spine. Scarlett releases Emma from her powers, then walks back to the booth to get her dog. She apologizes to Neal and Emma, then walks out the door with Hook to head back to the ship.

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