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As luck would have it, Greg Mendell-- the car crash foodie-- and Tamara-- Neal's fiancée, were working together.

They want to destroy magic.

Greg wants revenge for what Regina did to his dad all those years ago. When the curse happened, and Storybrooke was created, Regina killed his father when he was just a little boy... but he doesn't know that. He thinks he's just missing.

And now it's time for her to pay.

Regina lays strapped to a table as Greg attaches electrodes to her body. When she doesn't answer his question, he electrocutes her.

Her disappearance has sparked some interest. And the heroes must call upon the person whom wants nothing to do with them.


Emma and her parents head down to the docks, trying to find the hidden ship. They call out her name, and Scarlett appears in front of them in a plume of black smoke.

" You summoned me?" Scarlett asks.

The three then catch Scarlett up on all that she's missed.


The beans.


And more importantly, how Regina is missing.

" And what makes you think I have any interest in finding her?" Scarlett asks as she crosses her arms.

" Because she's still your mother," Mary says.

" You have no place on the high ground after you killed my mother," Scarlett scoffs.

" Scarlett, please... we just want to find Regina," Emma says.

Scarlett sighs and tightens her jaw. She waves her hands and transports them to the pawn shop, leaving Killian and Hook on the ship.

They find Gold having a drink with Belle-- Lacey in the back.

" Sorry to interrupt your party," David says.

" Well, I certainly don't remember inviting the Charmings," Gold says, " Hello, dear."

" Hi, papa," Scarlett waves.

" We need your help. Regina's missing and we think she might be in danger," Mary says.

" Just the way I like her. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Gold says.

" I don't think so. Whatever your feelings are about Regina, you still owe me a favor," David says.

This peaks Scarlett's interest. She raises an eyebrow as she looks at her father. Gold sighs, then turns his attention to his girl.

" Lacey, if you could excuse us, I have some business to attend to," He says.

Lacey complies and jumps off the table and out of the pawn shop.

" You couldn't find her?" Gold asks.

" You're the potion master," Scarlett shrugs.

Her father walks over to his chest full of vials and opens it.

" I'm sure I can whip up something to find Regina. But, tell me, why do the Charmings want to help the Evil Queen?" Gold asks.

" Because I owe her. After what I did to Cora," Mary says, making Gold scoff.

" Never underestimate the power of a guilty conscience," He says as he pulls out an eye dropper, " This... is one of Regina's tears."

" Why do you have my mother's tears?" Scarlett asks.

" Because I do," Gold chuckles, " This spell, however, requires two tears. Think of a dark moment. Something bleak and hopeless."

Gold holds the vial under Mary's eyes as she thinks of a moment to make her cry. Once her tear hits the bottle, it glows. Gold puts the cap on it, and hands it to them.

" Now, when you drop this into your eye, you will be connected with Regina, wherever she is. Whatever she sees, you'll see. Whatever she feels, you'll feel," Gold says.

" How long does the spell last?" David asks.

" Long enough to lead you to her. And with that, I've fulfilled my end of the bargain. Goodbye," Gold says.

" Always a pleasure," David mutters.

" Thank you, papa," Scarlett says.

" I hope you find her," Gold says, " Be safe, my child."

Scarlett waves her hands and transports the Charmings back to Mary Margaret's apartment.

" Do you always have to do that?" Emma asks.

" Do you want my help?" Scarlett retorts.

Mary Margaret pours the tears into her eyes. At first, she feels nothing. Within seconds, her body begins to flail. She feels what Regina feels. She feels the electricity. She sees what Regina sees.

Once the spell wears off, Mary is able to speak. She didn't see much, only the smell of sardines rung through her nostrils. 

Scarlett is quick to once again transport them in a plume of black smoke to the canning factory, where they find Neal.

" Whoa," He says.

From her back pocket, Emma pulls out her gun and loads it.

" Why do you have a gun? Why do you always have a gun?" Scarlett asks.

" Now's not the time," Emma says.

The Charmings and the Stiltskin's make their way into the factory and spilt up.

Scarlett tries to listen, to see if she can hear her mother, but soon enough she can sense her.

Tamara watches her on the cameras and frantically packs up. She leaves, and Greg stays to get his answers. He continues to electrocute the mayor, and soon enough Scarlett blasts through the doors. She looks down and sees her mother, then looks up at Greg. When he sees her eyes, he sees them darken, and he shudders.

As Scarlett slowly walks closer to the man, she tilts her head. She shoves her hand forward to blast him into the wall, then raises her hand to choke him. Her powers lift him up off the ground, and she can't help but smirk at the sounds of him gasping.

Greg pushes a button to electrocute Regina once more. Hearing her mother scream, Scarlett drops the man and turns around. Greg takes this time to run away, and Scarlett rushes to help her mother.

" Mama... mama... are you alright?" Scarlett asks as she cups her mother's face.

Regina weakly nods as Scarlett helps her stand up. Scarlett guides her mother through the factory. She hears Emma's screams and follows the noise. She sees Emma laying on the ground next to a giant hole in the floor.

" Emma... where's Neal?"

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