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The ship crashes through the portal, and once it emerges from the other end, they're officially in Neverland. The air feels heavier. The darkness feels darker. The only light comes from that of the full moon, illuminating the island and glimmering on the water.

" Is that it?", Emma asks as she looks at the far-off island.

" Aye", Killian says, "Welcome to Neverland, everyone."

Scarlett pulls her jacket closer to her body, and Killian takes notice from his spot on the helm.

"Come 'er, love", Killian says as he wraps his arms around her, making it so she's in front of him as he steers the lips, pulling her into the warm embrace of his chest, " Don't want you to get a cold", as he slows down the ship

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"Come 'er, love", Killian says as he wraps his arms around her, making it so she's in front of him as he steers the lips, pulling her into the warm embrace of his chest, " Don't want you to get a cold", as he slows down the ship.

" Why are you slowing down? In case you didn't know, my son's life is in danger", Regina says.

" Oh, I know, your majesty. My plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, then we sail right through and take him by surprise", He says.

" You know, Greg Mendell said something funny to me. That I'm a villain, and villains don't get happy endings. Do you believe that?", She asks as Scarlett pretends to be asleep, nuzzling her head into Killian's chest.

" I used to. Before I met Scarlett. She helped get the darkness out of me, which is ironic because she is the product of great darkness. I love her. Every waking minute of every day, I think about her. I hope you realize how much I care for your daughter, and that I would never hurt her. She's the sun to my horrible, dark storm", Killian says.

Killian's words put a smile on Scarlett's face.

" Except for the part where you tried to kill her father. Multiple times. One killing my mother. So just know... I've got my eye on you, pirate. No funny business," Regina says.

Once she walks down to the deck, Scarlett plants a kiss on Killian's chest.

" I thought you were asleep," Killian chuckles.

" Standing up?" Scarlett asks.

" Wouldn't be the first time, love," He smirks.

Moments later, Gold walks up from below the deck, now in his clothes from the Enchanted Forest.

"Oh, that's a great use of our time-- a wardrobe change," Killian says.

" I'm going to get Henry", Gold says.

" I'm coming with you", Scarlett says

" Sorry, sweetheart. I can't let you do that", He says.

" With our magic combined we'll be even stronger", She says.

" I'm afraid that's not going to work. You see, Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild. But it seems that Miss Swan's does not."

Gold spins his cane, and by the time it drops, he's gone.

" A straight answer would be nice for once," Scarlett mutters, making Killian chuckle.

As the ship continues to sail, Scarlett removes herself from Killian's arms. She heads below deck and sits down on the bench. She pulls out a blade and starts sharpening it with a rock.Her mind begins to wonder. She thinks of her brothers. Plural. She thinks of how she lost Neal, and then Henry. Both of her brother's within days. She keeps sharpening the blade with the rock as her eyes focus on the wall in front of her.

" I think your blade is sharp enough, love," Killian says as he walks below deck.

Only now is her focus drawn away.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

" Getting ready for a fight", Scarlett says.

" I've never thought you had to get ready for a fight. I always just thought it was a natural state of being", Killian says, as he sits down on the bench beside her.

" Very funny," Scarlett says.

"I hope you don't mind. But I gave Baelfire's sword to Emma", He says.

" Fine by me. She loved him and gave birth to his child, after all", Scarlett sighs.

" What's wrong, love?", Killian asks, concern lacing his words.

" Now you can read me?"

" Like a book."

" I lost two brothers in one day. It'll take me a while to get over it."

Scarlett leans her head back on the wooden wall behind her.

" Henry's not lost. We know he's only this island. We're going to find him and bring him home. I give you my word, that we will find him", Killian says.

" I know we will. I just... I just want to be happy with you without being bothered," Scarlett says.

" Well... we're alone now", He says as he places his hand on her thigh and gives her a smirk that drives her crazy.

Killian lies Scarlett down, hovering over her, supporting his weight on his good hand as he crashes his lips onto hers. He drags his hook over her bare chest, right where her collarbone is, right on the brink of pain and pleasure. A moan slips past her lips as they continue to kiss.

" If you two do not stop, I will come down there and take the other hand," Regina says from above.

With a sigh, the couple pulls away.

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