3 Fighting an invisable guy

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Hawk was struggling to rip out the remnant but grabbed his hand with the other one and tugged and the remnant came out of Tanith in 3 years for the first time. The wound healed and she regained conscious in a few seconds.

Tanith POV

She woke up with a splitting head ache in the middle of no where. She turned to see a person lob a remnant into the air. He said "good your awake I'm Hawk Nightmare and I'm with Ghastly Valkrie, skulduggary and Fletcher. You have had a remnant inside you for three years and have been making trouble this whole time. He turned around to see the remnant fly straight into him and gagged. He turned around and said I don't have long before the remnant takes control the others are inside that warehouse other there. He pointed across the road.

I am a very strong elemental and quite powerful Necromancer they thought I was the death bringer in England. But I also am a Adapt a very dangerous one. He said more then told me to run because the remnaut had taken other.

Ghastly POV

Tanith low was sprinting towards him. He took up a fighting stance while Tanith run at him he thought she would attack him all she did was jumped and hugged him and shouted Ghastly. The others came rushing out while Tanith and Ghastly kissed each other. Tanith turned and saw Valkrie and hugged her too. Skulduggary asked "where's the remnaut? Tanith replyed that Hawk had saved her then it took other him but he had time to tell me about him. Well lets not let the remnaut get away but Tanith grabed him and said "wait."

As you know he is a powerful elemental and a strong Necromancer apparently he was thought to be the Death Bringer in England but he is also a adapt. Valkrie "how's that possible you can't have 3 different types of powers after the surdge can you skulduggary." "It is extremely rare to get it but possible" said skulduggary. Well that would explain all those mussels he's got said Ghastly. What power does he have? Um said Tanith he's got 2. The first one is that he can see in the dark but not like you Skulduggary he can make it day in his eyes when it's dark, and see throught objects. "The second one" asked Valkrie. He can turn invisable up to 20-"30minets. "HE CAN DO WHAT!" shouted Valkrie. He can turn invisable plus the remnauts extra strength he said it would be able to go up to a 1hour and a half. "That's unfair" squealed Valkrie. Skulduggary and Ghastly laughed at Valkrie.

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