Chapter 13 Death

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Levi POV

'Damn why does feel like im getting farther away from her?'

Storm clouds grew on the sky, the calm water was growing into waves. Rain was hitting on my body.

F/n slowly sinked underwater, I took a large gasp of air and dived, looking for her.

She was slowly drifting away from me, I reach out for her hand, I was inches away from her but it felt like I was still too far. My lungs were going to burst, I needed air and I was running out of time.

'I don't think I'm going to make it' I looked at F/n face. I had two choices save my life? Or her life?

Your POV
I gasped for air, waking from my unconsciousness, I puked out the water. The hard rain smacked my skin, I look around wondering what had happen. There I found Levi lying beside me.

"L-Levi!?" I shook him but his eyes still closed shut. I put my finger on his wrist feeling his pulse, it was weak and getting weaker.

I put my ear on his chest, he was having a hard time breathing, water had clogged his lungs.

"Oh god, I swear if I do this you better be alive" I cried, tears streamed down my face. I lifted his chin, open his mouth and breath into it, then pushing on his chest.

'It's not working' I panicked. I did it again, it didn't work.

'One more time!!! He has to come back this time!!' I thought.

I breathed into his mouth then pushed in his chest hard.

He still didn't breath.

"Oh my god LEVI!!!!" I held onto him crying. "Someone please help him!"

~cough cough ~

My eyes widen and looked at him again hoping that I wasn't imagine it.

I didn't imagine.

What I saw was a miracle.

Levi had cough out water, and gently looked at me.

"I'm glad you're safe" Levi says weakly then cups my cheek. "Tch you're always getting hurt" Levi smirks.

"Idiot!! you're getting hurt because of me" A couple of tears fall onto his face

"But I did say that I'll protect you" Levi wipes away my tears.

I was speechless, but I simply smiled and continued to cry. I hug him tightly then I stood up, helping Levi up. He had sprain his ankle from dragging me on shore before collapsing from tiredness.

We took shelter from a abandon lake house, it only had one empty room with a fireplace and a table. I found two spark rocks and made a fire.

"Good thing I found spark rocks" I said while sitting beside the fire.

"Oi" Levi says

"What?" I tilt my head

"Take it off" Levi points at my swimming suit.

"P-PERVERT" I covered my chest and sat farther from him, glaring at him.

'I can't believe your saying this after nearly dying?!' I thought.

"Brat, I didn't mean like that. You're going to get sick from the wet clothes plus...." Levi looks away from me.

"What???" I asked anxiously.

"It's..... Ripped" Levi points at my swimming suit but doesn't look in my direction.

I look down and see that my string top half of my swimming suit had ripped off, showing most of my chest.

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