Chapter 24 Wall Maria

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You time skip into a few months x) aha enjoy!
Your POV
"Answer me brat" Levi sends daggers to me.

"How do you know Isabel?!" I said back, Levi's eyes fill with sadness, making me instantly regret my question.

"She... Was someone important to me" Levi says quietly. I was about to ask another question but the sadness of Levi's eyes captivated me.

"She... Saved me and in return I gave her a 3DMG I stole from some merchants" I said looking away

"But she said a girl name Grace gave her it?" Levi stares at me with his stoic expression.

"I lied to her. I couldn't trust someone I just met nor I can trust people that are family, I learned that from the hard way" I stared at the burning candle and watching wax slowly roll off it.

"You got your memories back didn't you?" Levi sits on my bed

"Yea.... Some parts of it. I remember parts of my past before I came to the cadets" I tapped in my head

"Do you remember anyone who can help you?" He asks. I hesitated,

'Was my uncle still looking for me??? No he has to be dead by now. I'm sure of it?' I thought

"No I don't think so" I said

"How did you get them back?" Levi anxiously asks. "Your talking quite a lot now Corporal" I said, shifting my gaze into him.

"Shut up and answer my question" he demands. I laugh and smile but quickly faded away.

"My memories came back on that night" I smile sadly

Levi's eyes widen, he knew exactly what you were talking about. It was the night where your heart was Broken and you saw Levi kissing and confessing to a women that was not you.

~Time skip to 1 week~

"Today's the day" I sighed as I straddled my horse.

~Flash back~

"Tomorrow we'll be going into the expedition" Levi says

"Captain Levi what for???" Petra asks

"To search for information in one of the old towns" Levi says bluntly "That's it, You're all dismiss"

~End of Flash Back~

"Are you nervous F/n? " I see Erd says coming towards me

"Kind of? It's our first expedition" I tighten my saddle on my horse

"Don't worry! We have Humanity's Greatest soldier" Erd smiles

"That would be me" Auruo joins our conversation

"Not even your dreams" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh? But I might be in your dreams" Auruo smirks devilishly. "Maybe you like me?"

I jump on my horse and dig my heels into its sides, making it kick dust to Auruo

"B-Brat!" Auruo coughs and gets on his house, chasing after me.

"Oi brats!!! Stop fucking around" Levi shouts angrily. Me and Auruo stop immediately "Cadet L/n you're cleaning my room until it's spotless and cadet Bozado you're on Stable duty for the whole month" Levi gives us his Death Glare.

We reach Wall Maria. As we ride our horses through the town.

"Hey F/n do you have your cannons?" Gunter rides next to me. I look, but there's no cannons. I started looking around.

"Aha! F/n you look nervous, here you go, you forgot them when Auruo was chasing you" Gunter hands me a bag.

"Thank you!! I thought I was screwed" I sighed, my attention goes to a group of men that are purposely talking loud.

"Their just pigs, they're just fattening up and wasting our taxes" one if the men say loudly. I give them a deadly Stare, all of them go silent. I shake my head annoyed.

"The walls are rising!! For humanity!" A voice shouts

Everybody cheers and rides outside the walls

~Time skip~

"Shit where is everybody?!" I glided around to see anybody. We had made it to the abandoned town but a group of Titans were waiting for us.

"AHHH!!!!" A voice screams out

"Petra?!!!!" I turned around and saw Petra in the hands of a Titan. I quickly shot my maneuver gear on its nape and made a clean cut. "P-Petra?? Are you alright?!?"

"Y-Yea... Thank you F/n! I was so scared" Petra cries into my shoulder, I pat on her head.

"We still have Titans around here and Petra?......"

"Yes F/n? " Petra asks with tears at the corner of her eyes

"You need to change your pants...." I looked away from her. She had peed all over her pants.

"O-Oh Huh?!?!? This is so embarrassing!!" Petra zips somewhere else.

"Oi cadet L/n " Levi comes beside me "We're retreating" he says

"Why?!!!! We've lost many people?!! Why stop now??!! We haven't even started the expedition!!!" I said angrily. I saw countless of cadets die in front of me and we had to go back, making their lives lost for no reason.

"That's an order. Remember that I am Your superior. Now Go spread the word" Levi glares at me. I clench my teeth and obediently nod. At the corner of my eye, I see two cadets being chase by an 5 meter Titan. I shoot my wires onto its neck and cut the nape.

"Hey were retreating, get to your horses and ride back to the wall" I said to the terrified cadets, they seem relieved that we were leaving. Of course they were shock because it was their first expedition and mines too.

To be honest I would've thrown up, but I've seen hell similar to this. I look around one last time for survivors, a cadet with a missing foot is on the ground crawling away from a 10 meter Titan. I was about to jump off and save him but was interrupted by Levi.

"It's no use Cadet L/n, he lost too much blood. He's going to die anyway" Levi looks at the crawling Cadet

"It doesn't mean he doesn't have a chance of living!" I snap at him, jumping off the building maneuvering my way to the Titan.

"S-Stop!!! You're going to die, Just leave me!!" the cadet cries out

I ignore his cries and glide my way to the Titan. Its attention is on me, raising its hand to grab me but I swirl around its arm. It uses its other arm to grab me, I cut along its arms in its skin. Making the Titan roar in pain, taking this chance I shoot my wires on its neck and kill it. And land beside the injured cadet.

"W-Why did you save me???" The cadet looks like he's holding back his tears.

"Their are people that are waiting for you back at the wall. Don't give up on them" I grab a bandage cloth and wrap around his half leg. I carry his waist and lead him back to his horse.

"Corporal why are we retreating?!!!" I said to him angrily. Levi doesn't say anything and gets on his horse. "Corporal??!!" I yelled out, grabbing attention from the other cadets.

"Wall Maria has been breach with Titans"

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