Clash!! Sonic vs Knuckles

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Huey POV

I was with Tails, Chris, and Chuck talking about the Chaos emeralds.

That's when we heard someone knocking on the door.

"Oh no it's Ella, Tails Huey quick hide" Chris said as we ran over to a bin bag and played stuff.

Ella started cleaning the floor then she noticed us.

"Ah are these yours, their so precious" Ella asked.

"Um I'm taking care of them" Chris answered her.

"Ah I see they almost look real" She said as we looked at her and I think she noticed.

Chris quickly graded us "well I'm going outside to play" he said.

"Um me too" Chuck said while following us.

Bella POV

Me and Sonic were hanging out on my balcony, when we heard laughing.

"We sure fooled her" Chuck said as Chris was giving Tails and Huey a piggy back ride.

"Can't I nap in peace" Sonic said annoyed with them.

"Oh suck it up soure pose" I said as I smiled when I saw Huey laughing like that.

"I'm just glade he's happy" I said.

"What do you mean" Sonic asked me.

"Well when I was talking to Uncle Donald about the boys when they first moved in the mansion, I found out Huey growed up too quick I guess you could say" I answered him.

"Um Huey is still a kid for all I've noticed" Sonic said not getting it.

"I meant was that he could tell things were tuff while growing up so he decided to act more mature and help watch his brothers, but he still isn't adult mature I guess" I told him.

"I see what your saying it was like that with Tails, I found him being bullied by some kid's, he apparently lost both of his parents and had to grow up quickly too" Sonic said.

"Did you help him be a kid again" I asked.

"I helped him make friends and helped him see he doesn't need to grow up anymore that he can still be a kid and not have to worry anymore" Sonic answered.

"I think I get what your saying, you got to tell them it's ok to be mature, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on your childhood" I said.

"Hey Sonic!!!! Bella!!!! Did y'all hear the news!!!!" Amy yelled.

"You know Amy were right here there is no need to yell" I told her.

"Whatever there's a chaos emerald in Silver Valley" Amy said.

"Silver Valley I've already been there" he said.

"Oh on one of your runs" Amy said.

"Yup" Sonic said.

"Fine who needs you anyway" Amy said while leaving.

"Bella please come with us" the boys asked scared.

"Fine" I said as I jumped down.

"Oh right, hey Sonic next time you go exploring take me with you it sounds like fun" I said.

"Sure" he said.

"Wait how are we supposed to get there" Chris asked.

"Well we can't drive there, oh I know" I said.

Time Skip

We hopped on a train to Silver Valley "hey Bella are you sure no one else would want to come" Tails whisper to me.

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